Consumer Council Association

“Children and young people to the basics of consumer competence during school hours get to Berlin, October 19, 2010 – consumer education consumer expertise” is the focus of a Conference on November 9, 2010 in Berlin. Aim of the event is to discuss administration and economy on a better school mediation of necessary consumption and life skills with academics and practitioners from society. The event is organized by the Federal Ministry of food and consumer protection (BMELV) and the Consumer Council Association. Consumer skills is essential for making everyday life, because only informed consumers can make independent decisions. Beginning with finance and the reasonable consumption of media and ends with the shopping and cooking behavior, and should best already during high school are extensively trained, as Ilse Aigner, Federal Minister for food and consumer protection, said in a greeting on the homepage: me it is a special Requests to offer young people in school education modules for the areas of finance, Internet and food. Brought out this cause I have the initiative consumer education consumer expertise”on the way”. Students should have after completing their academic career as not only the four basic arithmetic operations, but also the basics of consumer literacy.

The here in General and age-independent social behavior changes are necessary, also the star Cook Alfons Schuhbeck confirmed in his cooking show at the Balingen Town Hall on October 12: when the German buys a car, he has no problems to take out a loan. Worse it looks average at the willingness to invest in good food and healthy cooking”. The 61-year-old is therefore informed awareness and teaches also medically effective spice combinations in addition to the proper cooking temperature. Schuhbeck thereby receives support from the Balingen system provider Bizerba. This builds modern PC scales for the deli counter, Schuhbecks recipes and the corresponding ingredient lists can be printed here in slightly abridged form on the roles of Bon. “Claudia Gross, Director global marketing and communication at Bizerba, explains: with the PC scales, counter staff, even unskilled temporary workers, can competently advise: what the buyer on the subjects of product information, nutrition tips, cooking recommendations or hygiene should know inside the devices and can be called up even during the control at your fingertips”.

The national consumption study II, carried out by the Federal Institute for nutrition and food (BFEL), collects the nutritional situation of young people and adults nationwide and requesting variables of lifestyle, after purchasing, cooking skills, smoking and sporting activity. The first results were published in 2008, but remain, almost up to date given the great distance of 20 years to the study of consumption I. And they are anything but positive. As the study shows, also in Germany more and more citizens have problems with their weight. Therefore, 66 percent of men and 51 percent of women were overweight. Risk perception is this one-sided: on the question after the risks associated with the food including residues of pesticides are at three quarters of the respondents at the front. A one-sided diet seems less risky, most though here are the much bigger dangers for your own health.

Christine Long

CEO of ORGANOBALANCE GmbH provides industrial biotechnology in the focus of her work Berlin, 26 November 2010 which gave DECHEMA society for chemical engineering and biotechnology e.V. today known that Mrs Prof. Dr. Christine lang, was elected managing partner of ORGANOABALANCE GmbH, to the Board of the society. The DECHEMA is a non-profit society, which more than 5,500 scientists, engineers, companies, organisations and institutes as members belong to. Rick McKenney shines more light on the discussion.

An important task of the DECHEMA is to promote research and development in chemical engineering and biotechnology as an interface between science, economy, and public and to accompany. In addition to working for the society as a whole woman Prof. will engage long on the Board especially for the needs of industrial biotechnology and technology transfer from science in the industry. It supports also the objectives of the trade community of DECHEMA biotechnology with its more than 1800 Members primarily works to implement results of academic research into industrial producible products and applicable processes and to provide a communication forum for industrial developers and academic researchers. “I am very pleased that my outspoken confidence and to work with my colleagues on the Board”, commented Mrs Prof. long their choice. The DECHEMA offers an excellent forum for scientific exchange in the national and international context. With its extensive network makes them valuable discussion contributions and participates in the design of future framework for science and industry in Germany.

Long continued for me as a scientist and as a Managing Director of a biotechnology company therefore the work of the society is a particularly exciting task”, said Mrs Prof.. The Board of DECHEMA is elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years, starting from January 1 of the year following the election. Re-election of The Board is possible. About ORGANOBALANCE: The ORGANOBALANCE GmbH is a company specialized in root development and microbiological screening. ORGANOBALANCE develops the potential of positively-acting micro-organisms cultures, so-called specifically probiotic, errors of micro flora in a natural way to balance and restore the microbial balance. In close cooperation with renowned industry partners, ORGANOBALANCE develops new biological products in the fields of pharmacy, preventative health care, food and cosmetics. The company is based on the proprietary master library of food suitable microorganisms, as well as the own OASSYS custom in its developments. In the field of metabolic engineering, the company uses Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains specifically for material synthesis, which are used in industrial and pharmaceutical biotechnology. ORGANOBALANCE was founded in 2001 and is based in Berlin. Information on the Internet at. About Mrs. Prof. Dr. Christine lang: Prof. Dr. Christine lang is one of the founders and the CEO of ORGANOBALANCE GmbH. As a Ph.d. biologist she 10 years of industry research at the Hall chemistry research society worked and where established the Working Group on genetics and molecular biology and. in 1993, she moved to the Technical University of Berlin and venia legendi in microbiology and molecular genetics in the compartment. At the Technical University Berlin is extraordinary Professor of Microbiology and molecular genetics and teaches genetics in biotechnology.


In a way that (the above said about the human animal weakness) will be sitting that hardly a nature conspirara against itself, called man, animal man, intellectual man, society, civilization, culture and up to barbarism, to somewhat hiperbolizar. Therefore, it is not easy to give that award to men, works or running contrary to the ideological sense that propels him, on penalty of incurring an autosuicidio, to use a wonderful expression of a known former Venezuelan, famous for his brutal illustration. And let it record that what was said is not product of an arduous intelligentsia who bore a great conclusion, va, nonsense!, but a bullshit with all sovereign viso a truism animal. No beast, by more illustrated is profile (according to the above, is not a contradiction in terms), will tend a trap herself, less a Dome of the high Western civilized intelligentsia (the Swedish Academy) trying to crop of adverse values. There already that a myriad of samples in terms of Nobel prizes (to return to ours), is the most emblematic prize ever awarded to Jorge Luis Borges for that of compliment to the Cuban revolution in time when McCarthyism jineteaba everywhere and Communism had been conceptualized as the scourge of centuries against society’s progressread capitalist.

Of course, the Swedish Academy is there and the U.S. here, but you have to be that piece of animal of the jungle carrying inwardly for not understanding that the political right (which we have been talking about always in the text) is a living being globalized not precisely since the advent of the information age, but since the invention of the idea and the sides. It desfallecio not only the Swedish Academy when it obliterated forever the Argentine, but many others you sure know or will investigate, dear reader. She, Academy, Watchtower of civilization and culture-Western, under your sad animal condition (have to imagine those sublime academics lamenting his condition of animal humanity) and since it began to give out awards, has been floating in various seas since its Foundation: the contradiction (silogistica contradiction), fear (fear of cultural or civilizations) and confusion (confusion of the sublime with the profane(, or, better said, of the sublime with the political).

Full Concentration

What many parents with the word ‘ destiny class ‘ refer to, is nothing more than the third school year. What many parents with the word destiny class”refer to, is nothing more than the third school year. Because, at least from this point direction transfer certificate is bent in the finish straight. A year later decides: my kids in school, the real or the Hauptschule goes? But just at this point, parents have the sense that schools do not enough in the area of concentration. Not recommended according to the Director of Rubicon Institute Siegfried Eberle in Schollkrippen, under pressure, is often precisely this ability to concentrate the tip the scales: for the children, the last two school years are a particular burden. It’s around them suddenly all about performance. And they are located in the middle of this maelstrom and must handle them now that they are exposed to this pressure. As the adults also there are then children who are only capable to best performance under pressure.

And those who will not deal at all with it can.” According to Eberle, but there are ways to help these children, exactly. A matter of training not for nothing is compared to the brain like a muscle. If I train there regularly, its performance will be better. However, the training must be designed really to the desired result. A sportsman who wants to train especially endurance, is not like a bodybuilder a 120 kilogram weight three times press, but a 15-kilo barbell 30 times. It is similar with our concentration training.” This was designed for long-lasting concentration according to Eberle.

The children would stimulated concentration services in various exercises. The performance requirements would raised step, so that finally set the desired effect of a long-lasting concentration and memory capacity. The training is designed that the children over a period of time to improve their ability to concentrate. “This capability will give them not only acute, but still help even after years.” Not the Horses shy make however, Eberle is important, that is in a difficult situation as before the conversion certificate especially parents not panic make: many parents don’t realize how much they put your child under pressure. You don’t want it well and do it anyway. One must imagine just the scenario: in the second class was still alright and at the beginning of the third all caregivers around the child begin to measure it only after his academic performance. And not only that. If the services do not fit the parents respond suddenly differently than in the last year. Serious discussions about future prospects are suddenly listed and the like. Many children are simply overwhelmed by this pressure and shut down then.” Eberle advises to do so despite all fears, parents have to make the horses don’t be shy. Pressure was important also for later in life. But it is also important that the child realize that it’ll defined not solely about his academic performance.

Latin America

It is relatively expensive for the State and for the participants, and generally works isolated from national problems. She has been evolving in recent decades with little effective official guidelines and, consequently, this has stimulated significant growth of programs run by private sectors who only see this activity as a lucrative business. The newspapers mentioned Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City not as a source, but as a related topic. As a result, the postgraduate has not able to comply always with its high purpose of substantially contributing to the development of national science, technology and culture and the improvement of the quality of life of Venezuelans. The performance of this sector is very low, especially if we consider indicators such as the proportion of doctoral programs and the uncompleted degree work (Valarino, 1990). (4) In this country graduate education offers opportunities for professional and personal development to a very small proportion of the population and its offer is distorted because there is still a high concentration both from the institutional point of view the geographical, the disciplinary and social sectors takes care of. While in some developed countries more than 15% of the students of education upper graduate, in Venezuela this percentage are not reached 8% and less than 1% of the total number of Venezuelans enjoys or has enjoyed its benefits (5) once the academic graduate programs structure is, with high frequency, very poor: its objectives are not well definedentry to the system requirements are very heterogeneous, belittle the activities of continuing education and its development has little influenced necessary transformations of the undergraduate. (6) The education of postgraduate in Venezuela has nationwide an organizational structure little operational, very heterogeneous at the institutional level, with weak links not only with other modalities of the education system, but also with the economic environment social and with institutions abroad, particularly with those of the rest of Latin America; all of which prevent you from increasing resources for its development and increase its relevance and social impact.

Eike Wenzel Markets

Value change is trading with new challenges Berlin/Balingen, July 2009 – sense issues increasingly affect our lives. So one could summarize – greatly shortened – the results of the latest study of the future researcher Eike Wenzel. \”He sees massive changes subject to the various markets of the Western world: towards actual sustainability and growing immaterial Wertigkeit.Wenzel studied in mind markets of the value change in the consumer world\” various markets and life fields such as regionalism, tourism, spirituality, formation and body pleasure. Each, he comes to a similar conclusion. The requirements would increase significantly to all service providers and producers within the near future.

It is no longer sufficient to provide a newspaper route, which carries a familiar name or a service like many competitors. Pioneers in this development was the sinus milieus as Postmaterielle’ designated group. Advisable academics who live in large cities are very well informed and consciously make their total consumption. Because they are confident, they can manipulate less by external influences. High levels of education combined with musical interests. \”You consume under the motto less is more ‘ environmentally and health conscious\”, the Berlin public relations consultant Matthias P. Lubinsky white.

Now, the society of rest of so follows them. Wenceslas come to interesting results. Previous criteria would replaced by others – mental – in our consumption. It is always less sufficient to satisfy only a selective need. Instead, a product for us, must represent something individually especially valuable. That will adding a dimension of orientation. The one I purchased to a consistency of our lives in his direction and perspective. Increasing orientation towards a wider context still is giving me tradition, togetherness, including history and home. The trend researcher selects the time the examples of the print media\”and Cicero\”: who Readers take seriously, hence ad revenue can increase, and empowered readers, whether young or old, are to inspire through critical and thorough journalism.\” After all, the Hamburg weekly newspaper reaches an average of 1.63 million readers per issue after a recent media analysis.

Oscar Cold

Both were removed from their adjacencies the possibility of attacks by nuclear nature, to say it with simplicity. See mark tilbury for more details and insights. So, in cold war, powers the balance of power in the world, as military hubs that were then and remain so far were distributed. One giving and receiving, as it just did its counterpart. Subject to elucidate at this time, amid strong suspicion that the leadership of both countries (Obama-Medvedev) made a secret pact, is to know what is what gives Russia to compensate for the removal of the shield in Poland and the Czech Republic by the United States. Its threat missile, as it should be-free suppose, frontier would necessarily have a price, more outside of the academic arguments of Professor Panarin. No country has superimposed over another, in primacy, to suppose that make-up cold war; not continue living a second or the same war There are no grounds for thinking that the powers today day not distributed worldwide.

The question of crate we Latin Americans, rezumantes of natural and energy resources, is how Latin America and Central in political chess in the world. What as spoils of war could be or what such payments or which such concession? Imagination flies when U.S. installed, the imperial more lubricious way conceivable, military bases in Colombia, precisely at times when Russia ventures in exploration, investment and alliances on the continent and its seas. In the past it was us not gets into zones of influence of the Russians and vice versa; at present, if the conditions of the cold war have not changed essentially, why imagine that it has lost validity the Monroe doctrine, outlining us as backyard or barn of a presumed predestined nation?


An attractive programme on 7 November for small and large researchers Hamburg, September 10, 2009 science and research experience for free! On November 7, 2009, the 3rd night of knowledge rises from 17: 00-24:00 in Hamburg. Around 60 universities, research institutes and other academic institutions offering an attractive program. Take advantage of this unique opportunity and look behind normally closed doors, such as the: Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine: try insights into the world of parasites is safe, you are as attractive to mosquitoes. -German electron synchrotron DESY: place of ideas in 2009 the 2.3 km long particle accelerator PETRA III commissioned is taken. Visit the new, nearly 300 meters long experimentation Hall, which was cast in one piece. German National Library of Economics: magazine guide you throw, equipped with helmet and lamp, a look behind the scenes of the world’s largest economics library. Add to your understanding with Centene Corp. TIDE: radio greetings and jingle announcements visit the Radio Studio, meet the broadcasting technology and speak your own texts.

For the first time also universities and research institutes of the metropolitan area and North Germany present themselves under one roof with their programmes and projects in a central location in the East Wing of the University of Hamburg. There the clusters, as well as eligible imagine also. Over 650 program points waiting to be discovered, of which alone 190 from the natural sciences, 100 from the humanities and cultural sciences and 40 programmes on topics related to the social sciences. Learn more about the night of the knowledge on the website. The full program goes online as of the end of September. Contact: Inferno events GmbH & co. KG Anne Hanna Tel.: 040/431 7959-0 fax: 040 / 431 7959-26 E-Mail: Web: Lai & colleagues: focus of Lai & colleagues is the strategic communications consultancy of both large and medium-sized companies Group units as well as urban and municipal facilities. Thematic focus of advice in addition to business & services in the fields of regional marketing & tourism, sports & sponsorship, technology & healthcare, corporate (social) responsibility.

Los Many Problems

Men who suffer from overweight face many different problems due to their obesity. Echemos a look at some of these issues and see what overweight men can do to improve them. Knowing if you are overweight understand that you difference to a man with overweight from the rest of society is a matter of numbers. One way to understand it, if you belong to the category of obese, is take a look at your BMI or body mass index. An index of body msa of 25 or more is considered overweight, and if it is 30 or more, then falls into the category of obese. Please note that this works as well when it comes to gordura2; those men who have a very high muscle mass may have a high BMI but not be overweight or obese. Another factor to consider is the measurement of your waist.

A waist of 95 centimetres or more can be a dangerous signal of obesity in the middle zone. Another sign of danger might be a greater than 1 waist-hip ratio point. Farhad mohit contributes greatly to this topic. Health risks in men who suffer from overweight men who suffer from overweight face many different problems and health hazards, contrary to those individuals who are in good health in general. Some of these problems are: risk of premature death in men who suffer from overweight, especially those who are excessively obese (a BMI above 40) have an increased risk of premature death, particularly between the ages of 30 to 64 years. Diseases cardiac men suffering from overweight also have an increased risk of an attack the heart and heart failure, chest angina. Obese people are twice as likely to have high levels of cholesterol and hipetension. Risk of spills in addition to the risk of heart disease, overweight men presented a picture of high risk of spillage due to hardening and narrowing of the arteries.

Data Protection Rules

With regard to the conservation of personal data Spanish regulations matter does not set default or fixed deadlines. Whenever Glenn Dubin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In this respect in article 4 of the organic law 15/1999, of 13 December, of protection of Personal character data (in hereinafter LOPD) indicated that the personal data only is may collect for your treatment, as well as undergo such treatment, when they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and certainexplicit and legitimate for that have been obtained. So when personal data are no longer necessary or relevant should be cancelled or kept in form that does not permit the identification of the person concerned. The cancellation does not always mean the physical removal of data, these may need to be blocked. To learn about the forms and time limits for data retention of health and in particular those included in the medical histories, data protection rules must be supplemented necessarily with the specific provisions contained in chapter V of law 41/2002, of 14 November, basic regulatory autonomy of the patient and of rights and obligations in the field of clinical documentation and information and other rules under the legislation on occupational health. In this sense, law 41/2002 establishes that documentation contained in medical history can be preserved in other than the original support, provided that preserved its authenticity, safety and integrity, since article 14.2-compliant each Center will archive the medical histories of their patients, anyone who is the paper, audiovisual, computer or otherwise showing, so are guaranteed their safety, their correct conservation and retrieval of the information. Therefore this type of documentation not only digitizing is lawful and simple in its realization, but also guarantees the security and confidentiality of the information much better than traditional media and can be a solution to save the paper and space in clinics and health centers. In relation to conservation limits, article 17.1 of the Act, provides health centers have the obligation to keep the clinical documentation under conditions which ensure its correct maintenance and security, though not necessarily in the original support for appropriate assistance to the patient during the appropriate time to each case and, at least, five years counted from the date of discharge from each care process.