Saint Brissant Brissant

Who we are Saint Brissant? Make up Saint Brissant a group of young entrepreneurs whose objective is to stamp their creativity in the world of fashion, and do so through collections of exclusive, elegant and handcrafted men’s shirts. Since the launch of its first collection in September 2011 have not done more than razing and in just six months Saint Brissant your brand shirt has formed part of showrooms and fashion shows in some of the most popular halls of Spain, has been established at various points of sale, and has reached a great impact among the fashion blogs and other publications. Why buy our men’s shirts? The main feature of their garments is that they treated shirts are 100% made by hand and with fabrics and top quality finishes, also fits highlight that all shirts are produced in Spain, which distinguishes them from almost all brands of the sector. Their designs are completely different than any other product on the market. Daring without losing elegance.

If you like fashion, comfort and elegance this is your brand of men’s shirts. Saint Brissant unites all of these concepts to create collections tailored to you and your needs. Which collections of shirts do? Since its inception Saint Brissant has two collections of shirts:-collection Saint Brissant – collection Saint Brissant Spirito Spirito Saint Brissant is his main men’s shirts collection and more orifginal, while the first is about a much more classic collection this last consists of 14 different models of brand shirts, with the objective of capturing moods in clothes without losing the elegance and exclusivity. You will find pictures, stripes, classic cuts, bold finishes, etc. This project has not done more to start. They are willing to share it with you, follow them in his blog.

Ethnological Museum

The situation of Valencia on the Mediterranean coast makes the region a privileged place in which tourists can enjoy warm temperatures and excellent beaches. The three provinces have dream places, coves and beaches of fine sand where relax, sunbathe and enjoy a day with family or friends. No doubt, many are those who choose to the Costa Blanca in Alicante, specifically by homes in Javea. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Albert Ellis and gain more knowledge.. The town is located between Cabo La Nao and San Antonio and account with 20 km of beaches and beautiful coves that make it an ideal place to enjoy a holiday by the sea of Javea. This town also has a wide range of water sports such as windsurfing or sailing which makes it even more attractive for all lovers of this type of sports. North of the community we find the Costa Azahar in Castellon.

The area has become in recent years a major destination of Sun of beach tourism thanks to its wide range of accommodations, as the case of the Alcoceber is apartments. More info: Centene Corp. Its main attractive is the proximity between the beach and the mountain forming a lovely contrast. So you can enjoy the nature in its pure State visiting not only the pristine coves and its excellent beaches but also its routes and trails through the mountains near the town. Both locations are a good destination also for the corners that are home to the cities themselves. Learn more at: Eva Andersson-Dubin. The old town of Javea is also a focus of interest for its buildings showing traits of Elizabethan Gothic style. Visitors have the option to also know the past of Javea by visiting its archaeological and Ethnological Museum. After a day of beach or a stroll through the city can not miss a tasting of typical dishes from the area based on the Mediterranean diet. Alcoceber is also known for its bell tower of more than 60 meters, the highest in the community and also emphasizes its Hermitage of San Antonio or the castle of Xivert. In addition, the town is also a magnificent point of heading to reach the Columbretes Islands, four volcanic islands with one of the best known natural parks.

Data Protection Rules

With regard to the conservation of personal data Spanish regulations matter does not set default or fixed deadlines. Whenever Glenn Dubin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In this respect in article 4 of the organic law 15/1999, of 13 December, of protection of Personal character data (in hereinafter LOPD) indicated that the personal data only is may collect for your treatment, as well as undergo such treatment, when they are adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and certainexplicit and legitimate for that have been obtained. So when personal data are no longer necessary or relevant should be cancelled or kept in form that does not permit the identification of the person concerned. The cancellation does not always mean the physical removal of data, these may need to be blocked. To learn about the forms and time limits for data retention of health and in particular those included in the medical histories, data protection rules must be supplemented necessarily with the specific provisions contained in chapter V of law 41/2002, of 14 November, basic regulatory autonomy of the patient and of rights and obligations in the field of clinical documentation and information and other rules under the legislation on occupational health. In this sense, law 41/2002 establishes that documentation contained in medical history can be preserved in other than the original support, provided that preserved its authenticity, safety and integrity, since article 14.2-compliant each Center will archive the medical histories of their patients, anyone who is the paper, audiovisual, computer or otherwise showing, so are guaranteed their safety, their correct conservation and retrieval of the information. Therefore this type of documentation not only digitizing is lawful and simple in its realization, but also guarantees the security and confidentiality of the information much better than traditional media and can be a solution to save the paper and space in clinics and health centers. In relation to conservation limits, article 17.1 of the Act, provides health centers have the obligation to keep the clinical documentation under conditions which ensure its correct maintenance and security, though not necessarily in the original support for appropriate assistance to the patient during the appropriate time to each case and, at least, five years counted from the date of discharge from each care process.

Spanish Susdatos

tEl portal susdatos has made more than 1000 reports last month the company has made more than 1000 reports audit of data protection act through its Web page, in this way the companies and freelancers can assess your degree of adaptation to LOPD immediately. Data protection service is very necessary for companies and freelancers, and most times running, since it requires a discipline and security in the processing of data. Data protection is a pending issue for SMEs and the self-employed Spanish, according to a study by the more 50% of SMEs and freelancers have not yet adapted their activity to the regulations of data protection. If you’re not sure of the status of your company adapt to the rules of data protection, access to the website and makes the report free of charge. is a leading company in data protection for enterprise and self-employed, operates since 2005 and to date has adapted to more than 2,000 enterprises with the rules of protection of data of a personal nature.