Both were removed from their adjacencies the possibility of attacks by nuclear nature, to say it with simplicity. See mark tilbury for more details and insights. So, in cold war, powers the balance of power in the world, as military hubs that were then and remain so far were distributed. One giving and receiving, as it just did its counterpart. Subject to elucidate at this time, amid strong suspicion that the leadership of both countries (Obama-Medvedev) made a secret pact, is to know what is what gives Russia to compensate for the removal of the shield in Poland and the Czech Republic by the United States. Its threat missile, as it should be-free suppose, frontier would necessarily have a price, more outside of the academic arguments of Professor Panarin. No country has superimposed over another, in primacy, to suppose that make-up cold war; not continue living a second or the same war There are no grounds for thinking that the powers today day not distributed worldwide.
The question of crate we Latin Americans, rezumantes of natural and energy resources, is how Latin America and Central in political chess in the world. What as spoils of war could be or what such payments or which such concession? Imagination flies when U.S. installed, the imperial more lubricious way conceivable, military bases in Colombia, precisely at times when Russia ventures in exploration, investment and alliances on the continent and its seas. In the past it was us not gets into zones of influence of the Russians and vice versa; at present, if the conditions of the cold war have not changed essentially, why imagine that it has lost validity the Monroe doctrine, outlining us as backyard or barn of a presumed predestined nation?