"Victory!" – How sweet is the word for outstanding athletes and millions of ordinary sports fans! But as you know, the beauty of sports victories stands no second blast, a long and laborious work, multiplied by today's high technology. And this applies not only to the people – the arena in which there are training sessions and competitions, in our days is not inferior to the complexity of the spacecraft. What is the "wrong side" of sports facilities? Let's try this out … Genuine leather If you compare a stadium or swimming pool with a living being, his "skin" will certainly be exterior trim. It is up to its beauty depends on the perception of both external appearance and interior sports facilities. And do not think that it is of little importance: the principle of "meet on clothes" is universal. Especially important is the exterior of the building for landmark sites – those which are high level competitions. This is understandable, because such facilities are business cards of the country. Such, for example, if we recall the recent Olympics in Beijing, its main arena – "Bird's Nest." Under the glittering web of seemingly haphazard steel beams, which do not seem to obey gravity lies precise engineering calculations and advanced materials. According to the authors (in the design involved both Chinese and Swedish, and British architects and engineers), all the gigantic structure based only on 24 truss columns made of a specially designed reinforced concrete, around which the "braided" beams from a specially developed by Chinese scientists from ultra-pure stainless steel.