The Party Of Helicopters

Emo subculture is the first time the word "emo" sounded somewhere in the mid 80's. Emo (short for "emotion" – "emotion") began its existence as a style of music in the 80 years in the West. Such music is considered one of the varieties hard-core. Now emo – representatives of a vibrant youth subculture. The main rule of the adherents of this subculture – the expression of emotions.

Often emo – vulnerable, depressed teenager, his sensitivity and spontaneity reminiscent of a child, so they call themselves emo kidami. Emo Kid tend often to radically change the mood. Apathy, calmness, poise – it's certainly not about them. They can easily shed tears of pity for a homeless dog. Its a sad kind of subtle emo are ready to recall, but emo kidy not found in cemeteries, do not drink blood, do not dream about death.

Emo stand for the triumph of life in all its manifestations. The main task of emo – find great love. In love, they give overwhelming feeling no worse than Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. If love is a non-reciprocal, suffering, emotional kidov not will limit the next few hours they devote to thinking about the imperfection of our world. But wept a couple of days, they head up to the rush to further search for new love. Emo music can be different: melodic serious, calm and explosive. But its main task – to show the world and everyone around the true and sincere emotions. Every emo band expresses these emotions in their own way: screeching, wailing, moaning, whispering, screaming exploding, the texts of the unhappy love, injustice, the brutal and full of violence worldwide. Proponents of this subculture are listening artists such as Bob Tilton, Harriet The Spy, Yage, The Hal Al Shedad, Sunshine, Submission Hold, Saetia, Breakwater, Monochrome, Frodus, The Party Of Helicopters, "Neversmile", "Monalisa", "Origami" "The ocean of my hope," etc. Often, emo – this is bad teenagers dressed in black with a small amount of bright spots. And guys and girls can paint her lips, fingernails, to sum up his eyes, toned face. Also, they wear black and pink clothes and ragged fringe, beveled on one side. Young boys painted nails and hair black and lose weight to indecency, and the girls wear funny hair clips and rims in peas and T-shirts with the cartoon Sponge Bob. If you see before you a young person with such attributes, then before you definitely emo. So: ragged slash bang, straight black hair, a scattering of icons on your clothing or bag, made-up black eye pencil, gym, headphones in ears, a sweater with a V-shaped notch in the diamond, anorexic skinny, black lacquer nails, t-shirt with hearts have broken, shards and crossed pistols, sad appearance, shiny hair clips, skinny jeans, soft toys in a bag, bright bangles on her arms. That he was so emo-style. On the pages of our site followers of emo culture will discover a lot of interesting things. Here is the huge selection of merchandise emo: emo wallpapers, photos, pictures and avatars, we find rare songs and can download emo music, find references to emo-friendly sites.

Oriental Pearls

The Crusaders brought back from the Crusades some cosmetic substances, among them – Oriental pearls. His finely pounded, mixed with wheat starch to give a snow-white pearly powder. It was her obligation to the era of its famous faces pale alabaster shade. Despite the oppression of religion, women still did not forget to take care of themselves: they make a mask based on clay and starch, with the addition of honey or a donkey's milk – such were the ancient recipes. Aristocrat in this age of witchcraft were preparing themselves ointments from animal components: blood hedgehog or a bat. Hygiene is was at the appallingly low. During the Renaissance, women were finally entitled to be beautiful and attractive. They have rosy lipstick and nails red, and his hair – in the famous Venetian blonde, at the fair, golden hue, which is immortalized by Botticelli his "Venus". The dye obtained mixing crushed saffron and lemon juice. Famous complexion of that era, translucent and shimmering, also reached by the lead white paint with the addition of crushed pearls. Then came the Age of Enlightenment – the time of this beauty follies. In France, the court of King-Sun ladies excelled in coquetry and makeup. Cosmetics era: on the basis of saffron powder or different pollen made faces bright and hairstyles bought unseen shapes and sizes. There was also cosmetics, so the Marquis de Pompadour apply the mask of whipped honey and sour cream and refreshed face tonic water from the chervil. Only at the end of 18 century demands of beauty become more restrained, and finally accompanied by at least some hygiene.

Emotional Factors In Addition To ADHD

Signs and symptoms of ADHD are clear and specific, however, other factors that association with hyperactive behavior and distraction. Such factors are emotional in nature. Do not forget that children, teenagers and even adults who suffer, are subject to different competitive pressures that society will demand. Therefore, the emotional factor is also an aspect that must be addressed to treat this disorder. It should be stressed that not necessarily all emotional states, which are mentioned below must be submitted in one person.

Recall that the signs and symptoms of it, take place within a specific personality. Within the emotional states that are seen in attention deficit there are some that stand out more than others, such as: depression was somatization: frequent headaches, dizziness, sleep too much and feel tired most of the time. They prefer solitude to join activities in groups and socialize. Apathy: low energy and desire to make activities. Sadness and excessive sensitivity. Isolation. Difficulty in performing schoolwork.

Increased hyperactivity. Intolerance and angry outbursts. Eager components does not stand still. Constantly biting pencils, clothing or nails frequent and recurring fears. Nightmares and frequent awakenings. Refusal to go to school. Difficulty concentrating. They become nervous and apprehensive. The consequences of living in a state of depression or anxiety are mixed. On the one hand, a greater increase in symptoms that distinguish ADHD: inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. In addition to the personality that is under construction in children and adolescents was significantly impaired as compared to the frustration of failure at school, may feel ill-suited as a person.

Osteoarthritis Prevention

Osteoarthritis prevention to the mechanism of the development of the disease related to the arthritis prevention should hang together with the mechanism of the development of the disease. First the factors that cause the trauma of articular tissue, should be established and then it should be prevented. Stout people to reduce the physical burden on the affected joints, you must reach the body mass reduction. For the strengthening of the muscle-ligament apparatus you per day systematically twice drive the physiotherapy, bath visit throughout the year, and skiing. At the tendency of obesity, you must reduce the energy value of the food cost. It is particularly necessary to limit the carbs – and grease quantity. The food should be rich in vitamins and different. Those who belong to the health care, are divided into 3 groups: the first group is very numerous with the risk factor in the Vorosteoarthrose Stadium with the features of osteoarthritis. It was not less frequently than once per year among health care with the aim of the static and dynamic errors of spine, lower limb, joint deformation, the metabolic disorders to determine. The second group of people at the stage of the Vorosteoarthrose (the complaints-existence in the absence of clinical and radiographic changes). These persons should be examined twice a year, this should be complex examination (X-ray the joints, in which pain is present, clinical blood analysis, cholesterol). And also the series of biochemical tests should be. The treatment includes the regional muscles massage, remedial gymnastics, physiotherapy, iodine baths, sanatorium treatment. The third group of patients at various stages of osteoarthritis, the health care need. These patients are tested 2-4 times per year, then the complex treatment is carried out which includes physiotherapy procedures, hospital treatment and corrective orthopaedic treatment except medication.


The necessary human organism of cares to remain itself balanced well, and the base of this balance is what we conquer day-by-day in ours; through good feeding based on fruits, vegetables, proteins, carboidratos, little fat and much water. Rest, leisure, physical activities, care with the personal hygiene. Our health in perfect necessary state also of a clean environment with basic sanitation, garbage collection and deposit in adequate sanitary aterros, pure air, green areas, combat the illnesses through search of information, not only to wait, but to go behind what it is better for proper itself and its family. It is of basic importance the reflection on what it is better for its life, its health, information on the health he is right of the citizen, and from taking care of this there it is a duty of each citizen. Also it is mentioned to the physical, mental, psychic health, health in general. DAY 05 OF August was established by Law N. 5352 in 08/11/1967 as the National Day of the Health.

Homage also to the doctor Oswaldo Gonalves Cross that was born in 08/1872 acted in the public health of 1903 the 1907, suffered during four years of renal insufficience and faleceu young to the 44 years in Rio De Janeiro. It is necessary periodically to take care of of the health, consulting the doctor. They exist atendimentos in the Ranks of Health, SUS, and particular net of health. Many professionals of the health had made history in our country, one of that marked leaving much sadness for the esportiva medicine for carrying people of physical deficiencies, was the Canadian doctor Dr. Robert Wilson Jackson, in 06/01/2010 to the 77 years of age, was the pioneer occidental person in the field of the artroscopia and was the protector of the Brazilian Society of Artroscopia. The Health department always worried in well-being of the population carries through combat campaigns the transmissible illnesses or not, and the Minister of the Health if it pronounces way TVs, radios, periodicals all the medias on the had campaigns and cares that each person (citizen) it must have with its health.

The Diet

It was not until I realized that my dog coat lucia not as bright as before. Other dog owners did not realize that something was seriously wrong until their dogs began to scratch foolishly or not had much energy. Someone told me that only to see the stomach bloated and overweight of his dog, was given account that maybe it was a power supply problem. Dogs are mammals, like us. If we eat too much and don’t do enough exercise we are going to gain weight as much as our dogs. If we eat foods that are not good for us, we tend to feel fatigue and reluctance.

A little healthy eating for us, can cause a lot of coronary heart disease and diabetes. We can even make our skin and hair look unhealthy. Dogs are no different. If they eat too much and do not exercise they become obese. If you eat foods that are not good for them, they may feel tired and without energy. What you eat can affect your hair and your skin. Dogs may get most of the same diseases than us.

They may have cancer, blood pressure, can be contracted heart disease, such as heart attacks, even diabetes. Therefore, it is important to understand why the diet of your dog is so important to his life. As in the US, the dogs are what they eat. Unfortunately, a dog cannot tell you when not feeling well, or when you have stomach pain. The most of us pay attention to what we eat because of the consequences on our health, you must do the same with your dog. The nutritional needs of dogs are not so different from ours. Dogs require the same vitamins and minerals to us, just not in the same amounts. They require proteins, carbohydrates and fats, just like us. related topic. The work of their stomachs is similar to ours.

Wilfredo Camacaro

Carlos Mora Vanegas cannot be ignored the inflationary reality that Venezuela is facing and that of not to know you properly handle is will increase and will cause serious problems to the Venezuelan in their quality of life, in the high costs of products, their needs. Faced with this reality, we have always emphasized the importance of schools of Economics, his prostrate decide and make a diagnosis of this reality. Unfortunately, in the case of the University of Carabobo, which concerns us this has been very difficult to achieve, indicating little commitment to its teachers, managers in making a pronouncement thereon, taking advantage of reality and to make known the points of view of its specialists, proposed suggestions, in such a way that their participation is not contained in the classroom, but which express publicly and thus, alert the population in a detrimental fact in the economic development of the country. Worried about this sad reality that faces, company consultant, training adviser and professional development Deproimca, has approached some of its teachers so that they expose their points of view, not within the classroom, but personally, by direct contact, through its journalist Lic. Pedro Montero who interviewed some teachers in order to understand their points of view, such is the case for example, the Economist, Wilfredo Camacaro, well-known teachers in the region, former candidate to the Rector’s administrative office. Vice President of IPAPEDI who pointed out that the new nomenclature which is using the BCV, looked like it was going to be a cushion of inflation from the statistical point of view, but as it has been so exponential that is happening with prices and goods, clearly inflation exceed what the Government believe, 12%, and you will easily reach a 25 or 30 %, and even more so in an election year such as this where the liquidity is going to grow and there is little capacity to supply the demand.