Brazil: Greenhouse Effect

Specialists say that the flatulence of the ruminants (cows, deer, giraffes and others) – it is the third factor for the aggravation of the global heating with 16% of the gase-greenhouse emissions. In first place it is the burning of fsseis fuels and in second of forests that are emitting of carbon dioxide. Brazil is the great world-wide producer of bovine meat e, moreover, it is always destroying forests for magnifying of pastures and production of cultivations. This fact places in them as one of the polluting greaters of the global atmosphere. The Brazilian government says that it is difficult to know where it is having deforestation and forest fires. Until it seems that they never had heard to speak of satellites that all photograph the hiddings place of the land to each minute.

Descupla is one to deceive the ignorants. The Brazilian Congress has a great parcel of guilt for not making serious laws that guarantee the act of receiving of fines applied to the infractors. The annihilating criminals of the forests do not give the minim for the fines because they know that nor justice will obtain to charge. In the practical one, the fines are only for making ahead pretty of the cameras of TV that always is there for registering the stage. The flatulences of the ruminants methane contains a called gas – (CH4) – that collaborates in the aggravation of the effect greenhouse and is 23 times more harmful than the carbon dioxide – (CO2) – the main gas-greenhouse.

The methane is present in pum of almost all the animals. The amount of methane produced for the ruminants is very high. A cow is capable to emit 250 millimeters of methane with only pum. These animals possess one number very bigger of bacteria to help them in the digestion of the glucose of the leves that eat. Each pum of a cow is a true bomb against the ozone layer. How much to the set free gases for the human beings they are not so polluting. The gastroenterologist Dr. Dan Waitzberg, of the College of Medicine of the USP, made some calculations that help in to understand them this question better. According to it, a person emits about 700 millimeters of gases per day. Of this total 360 millimeters are of hydrogen, 68 millimeters of carbon dioxide and only 26 millimeters are of methane. When we analyze cold this question we can perceive that the great production of cattle for cut that the world demands is resulted of the world-wide overpopulation. In the truth our planet does not hold the exaggerated number of people populates that it. It already more than exceeded in 30% its capacity of feeding satisfactorily the world-wide population. We need to reduce the natality drastically human being or the nature will make the population control in unimaginably cruel way. The climatic catastrophes that the world comes suffering are only one acknowledgment of the nature. Nicas Romeo Zanchett – plastic artist


What can happen if it is let evolve an acute appendicitis? The most frequent complication is than the wall of the necrosa appendix (gangrenous appendicitis), that brings about a perforation, with consequent generalized peritonitis, or in some cases the adjacent intestinal handles are affected of such way that it brings about perforation of the thin intestine. Another complication is the possibility that epipln can adhere, restricting peritonitis to the right iliac grave. Fibrosis and the persistent inflammation produce a mass in right iliac grave (apendicial mass). This can be solved by means of healing, by formation of an abscess that drains towards the surface or by perforation with generalization of peritonitis. An extremely infrequent complication but that is not due to happen to leave by stop is the dissemination of the infection by the branches of the vein porthole that can propagate it to the liver; before, this one was an important cause of pimicos abscesses vestibules in liver. Which is the handling of a peritonitis? A peritonitis that is of greater gravity, the treatment is handled intrahospitable since it requires of more days of observation, drainages, and great amount of antibiotics. Some patients with peritonitis do septicemia and can die numbers are (it handicapped thanks to the amount of antibiotics handled nowadays and to the effectiveness of the handling of this pathology). Which is the treatment of an appendicitis water? The handling of this pathology is solely the apendicetoma (extraction of the appendix).

In which in the preoperative stay the patient is hydrated and receives some prophylactic and analgesic antibiotics. Note: a great medical error is before the consultation of a patient with pain in the right iliac grave or generalized abdominal pain, is to give analgesic since they can mask to the acute appendicitis and finish in a peritonitis. The decision by an experienced doctor and with ample knowledge in the pathology can be taken, discarding this problem by diagnosis before seen. Hospitable valuation Summer 2009 (Brown Arthur Perez) Chihuahua Chih. Voluntary Clinical rotations (Gastroenterology Area) Original author and source of the article.


There are cities that they enamor; there are cities that are unique; and there are cities that can create a great variety of sensations, even some very radical. It is the case of the Spanish capital, an immense large city that usually is characterized by its impressive track: you hate either it, you adore or it. In my case, it is obvious that I am enchanted with Madrid. Ever since I put a foot in her for the first time, I do not stop approaching to me whenever I can. One treats, doubtless, of a city different from any other, with an own atmosphere whose air makes you experience sinfn of different emotions. To take a walk by the Castilian, Great Va or Serrano is a wonder, a delight for the body and the mind, where you will be able to admire the impressive architecture that characterizes to the center of the capital. The sources of Neptune and Cibeles are good sample of the beauty of Madrid, not to mention the breathing that one can experiment in the park of the Retirement, an authentic nucleus of nature in the middle of the great large city.

In addition, Madrid is characterized by a unique gastronomy. Well-known by its covers and their pure-blooded plates, they cause that our palates delight with all the flavors. However, encounter a disadvantage, and that is the high standard of life. The prices are in favor of airs, so that the lodging can leave very expensive. For that reason, he is advisable to look for alternative in Madrid: apartment of quality, and right in the center economic. it would not draw attention to you? Indeed, the apartments are a good alternative to a hotel. It passes something similar in Valencia, a city very developed, with multiple cultural possibilities where the prices of the hotel trade can darte more of a worry, reason why the best thing is to decide on apartments. Valencia has a great variety to a reasonable price, like Madrid.

CCIH Pneumonia

Another factor of great repercussion is the use of the nosoenteral (SNE) as factor of risk and desencadeador of PAVM. It is common that in the majority, if not in all the patients submitted to the ventilation mechanics, to be present the SNE with the objective of nutricional support, prevention of abdominal distenso and gastric and enteral secretion draining. However, the SNE favors the settling of orofaringe, refluxo gastroesofgico and the risk of aspiration, which had the rise of pH gastric, mainly when associated the bloqueadoras drugs of the H2 (cimetidina, ranitidina, famotidina and nizatidina), also to the common use in the UTI. The development of the pneumonia not this only associated with the presence of the SNE, but also with the bore of the device, the infusion of diets and the position of the patient in the stream bed. (CARRILHO, 2006). Measure that can be adopted for the reduction of the PAVM is the correct cleanness and sterilization of used devices in the respiratory therapy as masks, ambus, ceflicos, ventilmetros, manovacumetros fixing, respiratory incentivadores and others, as the protocols of the disinfection and esterializao of the CCIH of each institution; as well as the correct and aseptic connection of the circuits of the fan, since these direct represent a half one of contamination to the patient. Moreover, the circuit of ventilation only for new patients must be changed or when these will be dirty, thus preventing its unnecessary manipulation and possible contamination. Proving such affirmation, Lorente, Lecuona and Galvan (2004) apud Rasp, Pace, Medeiros and Virgnio (__), in a carried through research to analyze the effectiveness of the exchange of circuits of the mechanical fan, in order to reduce the PAVM tax when used an exchanger of heat and humidity (HME), was observed that it did not have significant difference between the group that received VM with exchange from circuit to each 48 hours and the other without exchange of circuit, with regard to the tax of pneumonia, incidence of exgena pneumonia and the distribution of the .causing microorganisms of the pneumonia, representing an unnecessary cost..

Gifts From The Shores Of Lake Baikal

"Glorious Sea – Sacred Baikal …" These lines from an old song – the first thing that comes to mind when we mention this Siberian miracle, located on the border of the Irkutsk Oblast and the Buryat Republic. Of course, we all have to school days remember that in reality does not Baikal sea and lake, even the deepest in the world. Of particular relevance to the people it is already apparent in the title: Scientists believe that it most likely comes from Turkic "Bai-Kul", meaning "rich lake". And it is really rich! Clean water, unique nature, endemic fauna of northern exoticism, which so greedy tourists … That's going to coast people 'glorious Sea, "to see with my own eyes the unique beauty of Lake Baikal, to hear local legends and dip his hands into the cool blue water. And, of course, to take home not only impressions and memories, but also gifts for themselves and those who have not visited these parts. The first most popular authentic gift we can safely assume gastronomic sets.

Only here, in the purest freshwater fish is found unique – omul. In Listvyanka, where the river originates Angara rises and the legendary rock-rock shaman, you will find a rich selection of fish delicacies from the omul and other valuable local fish – Baikal whitefish and sturgeon. All of them are sold in a variety of volume souvenir packaging containers: barrels, or birch-bark baskets. These products in themselves are beautiful and functional, and will serve as hosts for a long time after they were kept in the goodies are eaten.

For Duarte

How much to the lipdico metabolism, they seem to diminish the levels of triglicerdeos, cholesterol and to reduce insulina.’ ‘ (RODRIGUEZ, et al., 2003 apud COLLA; MORAES, 2006, P. 118). ‘ ‘ As functional functions of the insoluble fiber they are: ) the increment of the fecal cake and the stimulaton of the modern motilidade; b) the biggest necessity of chew, excellent in the modern society victims of the compulsory ingestion and the obesidade; c) of antirust property and the increase escreao acid biliary and hipocolesterolmicas.’ ‘ (RODRIGUEZ, et al., 2003 apud COLLA; MORAES, 2006, P. 119). For Duarte (2006, P.

66) the staple fibres ‘ ‘ they help to clean the organism of carcinognicos composites, alcohol and metals; they promote the formation of a healthful intestinal flora; has unquestionable value in the control of the obesidade, therefore they hinder the absorption of many calories consumidas.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ The effect of its use are the reduction of the sanguineous cholesterol levels and the reduction of the risk of development of cancer, decurrent of three factors: capacity of ingested or produced toxic substance retention in the gastrointestinal treatment during digestive processes, promoting a fast elimination of the fecal cake, with reduction of the time of contact of the fabric intestinal with mutagnicas or carcinognicas substances; protective substance formation for the bacterial fermentation of composites of alimentao.’ ‘ (KAY; STRASBERG, 1978 apud ANGEL, 2004, P. 147). 2,3 PREBITICO and PROBITICO In accordance with Renhe et. al. (2008, p.120), ‘ ‘ the prebiticos are defined as ingredients you mainly leavend, whose effect benefit the host for stimulating the selective growth and activating the metabolism of promotional bacteria of the health in the intestinal treatment, bifidobactrias.’ ‘ ‘ ‘ So that a composition has prebitica action it must arrive at clon without if modifying and it must be used as nourishing substratum that stimulates the existing saprfita flora, getting beneficial effect for hospedeiro.

The Electronic Invoicing In Mexico

Electronic invoicing has acceded to the best companies in Mexico, as well as SMEs that have realized the good results that this system brings to their businesses. The electronic system was not compulsory but until the January 1 in recent year, when taxpayers who declared in 2009 more than 4 billion pesos were forced to move to such a system. Although it is mandatory for a part of the taxpayers, are very few people who have been changed because they have the obligation, the majority of people who have recently acquired electronic billing system have done since it saves lot of money, effort and time to have the system. If you are thinking of moving to electronic billing system you should know that you need that your company, business or Office has a computer with permanent connection to the web and acquire the system that is purchased in authorized places. Although you will have to buy the software and pay the internet service it will be much more than money save money, because you no longer bargains on ink, paper and sending your invoices. Use electronic billing system does not require you capacites or to take some course in particular, in the event that you don’t understand the system can ask for help at the time of purchasing the billing software..

The Service

This pragmatic approach must be on the personal ambition of service staff to efficiently reach a solution of the problem. 4. systematically experience scoop: a substantially filled and continuously maintained knowledge base with a comfortable handling for the employees in the IT service is necessary. In it, the diverse experiences must be to find on a customers to respond quickly, without problem solutions every time reinventing the wheel. Regular meetings of technicians who have current experience from customer contacts on the subject, promote common learning in dealing with people and technology.

5. for users to establish a knowledge base for own troubleshooting: A large part of the problems being reviewed constantly, and their causes are comparatively easily recognizable. This task can be transferred entirely to users, by an easily understandable and concise checklist with FAQs for determining common problems will be established. Just the growing digital native generation is becoming more and more capable of taking over a part of the first level support, especially if this is an interactive platform itself to self help. 6 people-free communication does not exaggerate: self help and self service have their permission for simple, clearly defined cases and help relieve the service desk.

Must be found but a balance between digital, automated communication and personal conversation between the customer and service desk staff. The user must always choose whether he prefers calls or would like to use a portal solution. 7 in understandable language: the caller well versed in their work environment and use IT to support the own tasks. At errors, users usually not technical terms are interested in, but on the solution of their cause. A good support staff is therefore the voice of the customer and used, where appropriate, its terms. She stands Clarity about the need of the employee, to shine with expertise. 8 together to narrow the problem: know, time is money, both for the users and the service desk staff.

Seychelles Meteorological Services

Each island of the archipelago, whether the capital Mahe or former refuge of pirates – Frigate island of coconut trees, Praslin and La Digue fantastic, attractive in its own way and has excellent natural beaches with white sand, colorful hotel and become part of the landscape and not disturb the harmony of Nature. Visited here will see that a country such amazing beauty and color did not become a victim of mass tourism. Seychelles – a tropical paradise abounding with fruit all year round: coconuts, fruits, mango tree, banana, papaya, fruit psidiuma, avocados, melons, fruits, zither, breadfruit, zhamalaki, cannons, korossoli, pineapples, sugar cane, oranges, lemons, grapefruit … Tips for drawing up documents for a trip to the Seychelles on the site Here suschestvet at least 15 varieties of bananas, and almost as many kinds of mangoes … On Seychelles is a lot of endemic (found only in the Seychelles), flora and fauna.

For example, only here it grows a unique coconut tree 'Sea Coconut. " Her famous nut – the biggest and heaviest in around the world – up to 20 kg of weight. Adventurer Henri de Monfreyd, who had seen other palms, did not hide his surprise: 'This walnut-sized big round pumpkin. It is double, and two hemispheres resemble a pair of buttocks, between that nature was thoroughly pleased to reproduce some of the anatomical details, thought-provoking. "Seychelles' enviable climate is always warm and without extremes.

In this tropical haven the temperature seldom falls below 24 C or rises above 32 C. All except the most remote southern islands lie comfortably outside the cyclone belt making Seychelles' a year-round destination for Sunday worshipers and beach lovers. In the north-west wind that trade between the visit months in October and March, the sea generally calm and warm weather and humid, with average winds 08/12 knots. (Transfer the post to buy a better spring). Photos in Seychelles site in January and February the islands receive their life-giving rains, rejuvenating the rivers and streams and teasing the leaves rapidly in rainbows of color. Months between May and September bring a hair dryer, cooler weather, and livelier seas – particularly on south-east coast – and winds of 10-20 knots. The table below briefly describes the statistical averages for the Seychelles International Airport from 1972 to 2005. (Figures Seychelles Meteorological Services). Seychelles archipelago comprises 115 islands and islets situated in the Indian Ocean just south of the equator and north of Madagascar. Occupies an area 405 square meters. km. The largest islands – Mahe, Praslin and La Digue, Silhouette – granitic origin, small islands – mostly coral. The largest island of the archipelago – Mahe length in length – 27 km, width – 8 km. On this island is the capital of the state – Victoria International airport

Assis Vieira Summary

Occurrence of intestinal decurrent ferropriva anemia carencial of enteroparasitose for Ancylostoma duodenale der Assis Vieira Summary the ancilostomtica anemia is a ferropriva anemia that if it installs in insidioso way has a parasitado organism, and generally is decurrent of some reinfeces. This is the natural consequence of the environment where the individuals of low partner-economic classroom and the agricultural zone live. Objectifying to demonstrate the importance of prophylactic measures, of that populations in precocious sanitary conditions are susceptveis the illnesses caused for microorganisms .causing parasites of infections in its hosts, the anemia is developed slow and gradually, even so the blood spoliation occurs daily and in amounts until considerable. In this manner, until the supplies of iron of the organism are depletados, the carrying sick people of the parasatism obtain to remain themselves for period of relatively long time without showing any sintomatologia. The anemias for iron deficiency if they constitute in one of the main problems of public health in world-wide scope, reaching its maximum prevalence in the underdeveloped countries and/or development.

The deficiency of iron to the side of the DEP (proteinic energy malnutrition) represents the main nutricionais problems of importance physician-epidemiologist in our Country. Related with the inadequate food ingestion, the intestinais parasatisms, as the Ancylostoma duodenale, has been considered important factors in the etiology of the carenciais anemias ferropriva and the DEP. 1.INTRODUO the infections for helmintos are between the most frequent agravos of the world. In general, the riots that occur are of small sum, therefore it has a trend to have a balance enters the action of the parasite and the capacity of resistance of the host (SNOWS, 2005). The parasitic illness can unchain several other illnesses in result of its infection, as anemia ferropriva caused for the action of the Ancylostoma duodenale. Enteroparasitoses can affect the nutricional balance, therefore they intervene with the absorption of nutrients, induce intestinal bleed, they reduce the alimentary ingestion and still they can cause significant complications, as intestinal blockage, retal prolapse and formation of abscesses, in case of an overpopulation, being able to take the individual to the death.