Another factor of great repercussion is the use of the nosoenteral (SNE) as factor of risk and desencadeador of PAVM. It is common that in the majority, if not in all the patients submitted to the ventilation mechanics, to be present the SNE with the objective of nutricional support, prevention of abdominal distenso and gastric and enteral secretion draining. However, the SNE favors the settling of orofaringe, refluxo gastroesofgico and the risk of aspiration, which had the rise of pH gastric, mainly when associated the bloqueadoras drugs of the H2 (cimetidina, ranitidina, famotidina and nizatidina), also to the common use in the UTI. The development of the pneumonia not this only associated with the presence of the SNE, but also with the bore of the device, the infusion of diets and the position of the patient in the stream bed. (CARRILHO, 2006). Measure that can be adopted for the reduction of the PAVM is the correct cleanness and sterilization of used devices in the respiratory therapy as masks, ambus, ceflicos, ventilmetros, manovacumetros fixing, respiratory incentivadores and others, as the protocols of the disinfection and esterializao of the CCIH of each institution; as well as the correct and aseptic connection of the circuits of the fan, since these direct represent a half one of contamination to the patient. Moreover, the circuit of ventilation only for new patients must be changed or when these will be dirty, thus preventing its unnecessary manipulation and possible contamination. Proving such affirmation, Lorente, Lecuona and Galvan (2004) apud Rasp, Pace, Medeiros and Virgnio (__), in a carried through research to analyze the effectiveness of the exchange of circuits of the mechanical fan, in order to reduce the PAVM tax when used an exchanger of heat and humidity (HME), was observed that it did not have significant difference between the group that received VM with exchange from circuit to each 48 hours and the other without exchange of circuit, with regard to the tax of pneumonia, incidence of exgena pneumonia and the distribution of the .causing microorganisms of the pneumonia, representing an unnecessary cost..