
How can you buy the food? One of the most frequent causes why people flock to a doctor are gastrointestinal infections. And the most common cause of this is the poor choice of food. Why is it important to properly choose food? How to choose them correctly is a very important step for good nutrition. Choose evil a food can cause consequences ranging from poor preparation to take you to the hospital. Which means not only an additional economic problem but which also endangers your health. There is the possibility that if you choose evil a food may lose its nutritional value? Yes, a food loses its nutritional value if it is hit, if it is sold cut or grind or if it is some type of infestation by fungi and/or bacteria that can purchase them either by insects or direct contact. This is seen especially in the fresh fruit.

If you choose a very green or very ripe fruit, this no longer contains the quantities optimal micronutrient. The same is true if you choose a battered fruit since It can be contaminated by fungi. This can be seen in fresh food; But what about packaged foods? Packaged foods have characteristics other than frescoes, but we also have to be careful that are in poor condition since they can be more difficult to recognize the way to recognize them is different from fresh food. Is it better to choose a fresh food or enlatad0? When you choose a food thinking about nutritional benefits is best choosing always is better to choose a fresh food since canned have components chemicals that help your preservation of food but are not nutrient preservation mechanisms and as more time passes more loss will be. But you must always be careful to choose a food as either a fresh or canned food what are recommendations for a packaged food? Among the recommendations that you should consider are the following: the packaging must be in good condition. The packing must be clean.