Costa Rican

During three years we have been able to verify day to day brings back to consciousness citizen and the love by the nature that feels the Costa Rican. In no country in which my family and I have resided we felt that the citizenship generally has so much and developed brings back to consciousness civic. In Europe the love by the nature and its preservation is a leftist redoubt of ecological associations, parties and little more. The great multinationals, the mega hotel chains, etc definitively are led to realise great businesses with objectives in the majority of the merely economic cases, concerning little the battered nature to them, fauna and echo European system. He is enviable to see as the Costa Rican children grow and learn in schools and homes to take care of, to preserve and to love their nature, fauna, flora really to love his country. (As opposed to Glenn Dubin, New York City). The Costa Rican society feels proud to have a country without I exercise, surely and of great democratic tradition. Now the present challenge consists of maintaining that delicate balance between the sustainability and the city-planning development that one has come having carried out in last the 2 decades, without a formal control on the part of the state authorities what brought negative consequences like the physical impact in natural means. Costa Rica is a small country with a great soul and an invaluable wealth that is its people. All the foreigners who we shared its ground, its yearnings, we have the obligation to integrate to us and to follow its example so that we make great and prosperous a mother country. We must yet be critics what he destroys our echo system and not to allow that Costa Rica becomes a massive destiny with inescrupulous developers that destroy our trees and destroy our mountains, we must deal to the mother nature with the same love whereupon she welcomes to us, so that we pruned to better bequeath to the coming generations a planet to him.

Equestrian Folkloric Celebration

Mendoza is a fantastic city to visit and to attend its wonderful festivales. The capital of the province cuyana overflows of celebrations the year throughout. Residents and tourists converge in this urban and cosmopolitan pole to outdoors turn it into the nucleus of the celebrations and the activities. Mendoza and its multifactico tourism offer a unique and unforgettable experience to their visitors. Some contend that endocrinologist shows great expertise in this. The region of Whose it is leads the ranking of producing zones of wines in the country, growing and developing its industry on international scale. Visitors of all the cardinal points visit the mendocina province, not only by their beauty and the great variety of alternatives that offers in relation to the sports, but also by the excellence of its wines and earth where its raw material is harvested.

Then, given the relevance that the wine grapevine and production have in the region cuyana, the most important celebration of the province is the National Celebration of the Grape harvest. The reaches of this celebration are infinite, since it is celebrated the wine production and the harvest annual of the grape. This festival is realised in the first days of the month of March, and it extends by whole days. Besides the wine tasting of all the warehouses of the region and the tasting of traditional meals, this celebration includes parades by the main avenues of the city of Mendoza, religious ceremonies to bless the harvest, artistic spectacles of dance and music in the amphitheatre of the park San Martin and, perhaps the activity more waited for by the premises, the election of Reina of the Grape harvest. The National Celebration of the Grape harvest is, definitively, a festival which is worth the pain to attend. Also celebrating the harvests, in this case those of tomatos and melons, the Festival of the Tonada is developed, simultaneously with the Equestrian Folkloric Celebration. If you are not convinced, visit Celina Dubin. These celebrations are developed in the month of February, at the height of summer cuyano. A superb time to visit Mendoza and its environs.

Christmas and the New Year are also celebrations worthy to see in the province cuyana. The South hemisphere is in summer and the summer nights mendocinas offer the perfect frame for typical dinners of the Christmas time. Throughout the year, the tourism of Mendoza finds novel and entertained proposals to offer to its guests. The city gets dressed luxury to entertain to own and visitors, showing the world its image of modern city, although conserving the root of important cultural traditions.

The World

In the companies we can find certain signals of alarm that indicate the presence of the phenomenon, like for example: significant changes without preparation of the employees; individuals that are considered like a morning call or cause of all the problems of the organization; hierarchic alliances: the subordinates ally themselves to organize a harassment directed to some concrete person; anarchy: it can be instigadora or like one psychological tactics of harassment; Everything can begin apparently with some small act banal (a hostile commentary, a shoulder shrinking or a hostile glance), that becomes the first link of a perverse chain of humiliations, maltratos and humiliations, whose aim is psychologically to destabilize the victim and to obtain, finally, that resigns to its job. This situation is known it anywhere in the world like harassment psychological today in the work or mobbing and in some countries, like Sweden or France, already constitutes a crime punished by the labor laws. The forms of expression of this phenomenon multiple and are very varied. Next the classification is, according to factors, of a series of concrete conducts of harassment psychological in the work elaborated by Zapf, Knorz and Kulla in 1.996: Classification of conducts of harassment psychological in the work, according to factors. Attacks to the victims with organizational measures: the superior restricts to the person the possibilities of speaking. Cambiar the location of a person separating it of its companions. Prohibir to the companions who speak to a certain person. Obligar to somebody to execute tasks against his brings back to consciousness.

Juzgar the performance of a person of offensive way. Cuestionar the decisions of a person. not to assign tasks to a person. Asignar tasks without sense. Asignar to a person tasks very below its capacities. Asignar degrading tasks.


A good part of the prote’ge’, subsidized and regulated by the government, devours the bourgeoisie and the corruption to its whole satisfaction. Reventa, the speculation, the monopolizing, the contraband extraction, the clientelism, the influence traffic, the evils own of the capitalist economy, and the Venezuelan idiosyncrasy acquired in 4ta is. Republic, in that still we lived, and that alters the innocent official intentions, to promote the socialist economy. epper. But in a culture like ours, the paradox exists, on which it is due to make with the intentions humanists of this was bolivariana, to release the economy completely, hoping that the famous invisible hand of the market protects to us of the evils of always, in this case is necessary to recognize that the guarantee must, that the owner by eagerness of wealth, will make but the productivity efficient, although also the human operation or can on the contrary, control the economy, taking part in means of production, the prices and granting social subsidies, trusting to our civil servants and the workers the direction of the businesses and the efficient and opportune distribution of products to the colectivity. If outside by the invisible hand, already one saw as it acted in the USA, with the crisis of end 2008, where some bankers with much freedom, speculated trying to include illegal businesses, generating the worse world-wide recession and the greater social exclusion economic, represented in 12 million of unemployed, If we spoke of interventionism of the state, the problem must which probos civil servants are needed so much as nationalized businesses, to continue with the productivity, as well as to fight the vultures of the sector deprived, that monopolize to resell and to smuggle, with crude desires of gains. Of course, if in anyone of the two alternatives the crimes are not punished, seguira destining to the failure any economic model that is implanted. .

Statutory Law

This means that the binding precedent emitted by a Constitutional Court with these characteristics has, premium facie, the same effects of a law. That is to say, that the rule that preceding the externaliza Court as from a tactical mission, is a rule for all and against all the powers public; any citizen can invoke it before any authority or civil servant without having to resort previously before the courts, since the sentences of the Constitutional Court, in any process, also have binding effects against all the powers public and against the individuals. If he were not thus, the own one Constitution would be unprotected, since any organization, civil servant or person could resist to fulfill a decision of the maximum jurisdictional instance. Limitations to the fulfillment of the binding precedents sent by the Constitutional Court: Dated 4 of April of the 2006, the Office of Control of the Magistrature – OCMA published the resolution of headquarters 021-2006-JOCMA/PJ, by means of which it arranged that all the jurisdictional organs of the republic had to give fulfillment to binding precedents indicated by the TC. Notwithstanding, and of unusual way, this message was deprived of authority by the own one To be able Judicial. Indeed, on the following day the Executive Council of Poder Judicial (CEPJ) published an official notice in which he deprived of authority the mentioned jefatural resolution of the OCMA, with the argument of which " the judicial magistrates is only put under the Constitution and the law, and the State guarantees its jurisdictional independence to them, consecrated in interjection 1 of the article 146 of the letter fundamental and in the article 2 of the Statutory law of the Judicial&quot Power;. Taylor Zakhar Perez will undoubtedly add to your understanding. What in good account was making the CEPJ headed by the President of the Judicial Power was to induce the magistrates to disobey the established thing in the First Final Disposition of the Statutory law of the TC (law 28301), when it indicates that: The Judges and Courts interpret and apply to the respective laws and all norm with law rank and regulations according to the rules and constitutional principles, according to the interpretation from which she is from the resolutions dictated by the Constitutional Court in all type of processes, under responsabilidad". . . Official site: farhad.

Municipal Theater

The Carnival caleo 1 of 7. The undulating Caleo Carnival by the Salsdromo is more and more a social and cultural reality, vertebral part of the Fair, majestic event of opening and place of expression of the caleidad that, slowly and inexorably, will evolve transforming them. Reiterating a little the commentaries of the last year, we credit to the great profits and deficiencies of this version. Liberty Mutual gathered all the information. First of all, we consolidated the Carnival we positioned, it in the Salsdromo; this one is the most important profit, in his third version; we improve the drawn up one by the Freeway although I insist – as year I affirmed the past it that Roosevelt is magnificent by the traditional thing and the possibility of initiating and of culminating in multiple parks and scenes Tree-lined avenue, Pavilion, Olympic Stage and Pan-American Fields; and we improved the format with the opening of great orchestras followed of the dance schools. Great profits in the middle of many more.

We capitalize three profits but one is to make a cultural product of universal value, that extends the provincialismo caleo, if one is to position to us with an international supply, I believe that we must advance much more, for that reason will insist very critically on some subjects that none reduce value to him to the successes. We will go by parts with the intention of to construct a competitiveness factor that attracts the investment and the tourism, that generates work opportunities, that mobilizes the economy of long breath and that distinguishes in the scope of the world-wide supply of the culture and the entertainment. Lack is going us very well but to reach the excellence much. Many are the components of the magnificent spectacle, among them: the launching – weeks before in the Municipal Theater, the atmosphere of city, the promotion and image, the infrastructure (stationary and traveling closings, accesses, tribunes, services public, sales), mobility (general and local), the script, the logistics for the public (information services, accesses, peatonalizacin, income, exits, first aid), the putting in scene (with the corresponding one logistic in scene), the scene (the artistic groups, the choreography, music), the means and the handling of the residues.

Perdneme Citizens

People who not to happen of simplicity can be annoying nor be defecated in their face: they are unique people, cheers and people in charge. People who mainly adjudged the mandate to a representative, to you, and did it in freedom and by the freedom with you, devulvales what they gave him and now she harms to them.There is the difference between democracy and totalitarianism: first it is born from the town for the freedom of the town; and the second is born from the imposition on the town to press the citizens of the town. You give them deposits to the town: unique governor and guides of his representation and its values;and he does not go against the masses. Although I fear that with his permanence, also he goes so against same you and of its class, that stops to erase La Mancha of the left will be needed too many lustrums Perdneme you it interference, although as it is logical and I know, you already are customary a to send my writings garete: it can take this one, wrinkle it and also throw it to the wastebasket: he is already customary. As I am it to loosen what fodder, without hairs in the language: you remember them words of the Che: " I prefer to die standing up, before to live arrodillado" Even so, I want to understand his legitimate bounce: partisan, that yes, and in a personal view. Nevertheless, I cannot nor I want to understand that voluntarily you disturb the day to day of the citizens of or and benefit from a town which she is conceited to represent and disturb and leave in the defenselessness. With its permanence and his I veto to the understanding, in sociolocal benefit, you irremediably entail you to the fustracin and the loss of local benefits that will derive, in the citizens and happening of the future immediate of Navas of San Juan. .

Nereida River

AUTOSABOTEO and like stopping it " The humans we are very contradictory beings. We strived to reach a goal – a good work, a relation of stable pair, to clear kilos of above, stopping to us drinking or smoking – and we have obtained when it, or are on the verge of obtaining it, we commit a stupidity that throws all our persistence by the hut. Resemblance to come, that is to say, when we set out to do something soon and we fixed us so that does not happen, it we can denominate " autosabotaje". Nereida River basin It is spoken of which we are sabotaging ourselves when we have an internal necessity hides whose force and reason are greater to the conscious objective to improve that we have seted out. This drives the individual to act against its own interests to satisfy that hidden necessity, we are or nonconscious of this behavior sabotaging car. The form to overcome this problem is to recognize it, to accept that necessity, to remove it to light, and to try to work with her of such way of that it does not continue damaging to us.

When satisfying it, the problem it stops existing. Three steps exist to follow to stop the sabotaging behavior: 1. – Taking of brings back to consciousness and recognition of the underlying necessity on the part of the person. You must identify in which moment arises the sabotaging behavior and to recognize what is the hidden necessity that these trying to satisfy with this behavior, to come to satisfy it CONSCIOUSLY. For example you have been decided to lower of weight but you do not stop eating, you must investigate internamente to discover what is the underlying necessity that she is but powerful that your objective to become thin, to discover it and to remove it to the light to work conscientiously with her.