In this direction, landscape is defined como' ' a heterogeneous mosaic formed by interactive units, being existing estaheterogeneidade stop at least a factor, according to observing and numadeterminada scale of observao' ' (METZGER, 2001:4). As the mosaicoheterogneo is seen under the optics of the people, of its necessities, eplanos yearnings of territorial occupation e, still, as these individuals act in amplasextenses of its territory, the landscapes must be considered in the analysis dosproblemas ambient (they idem). Deelementos the natural landscapes are decurrent of the combination that characterize a part of the terrestrial surface. The elementosnaturais: rivers, lakes, relief, climate, ground, vegetation, are on, with umaforte interaction between itself. The nature forms varied landscapes, but the human beings, when they occupy these landscapes, modify them with its activities. Currently, aspaisagens if find submitted with greater or minor intensity to the influnciaantrpica and, consequentemente, modified.
Cultural diversity the subject of the cultural diversity, in the scope of UNESCO, to visagarantir cultural autonomy and is the main structure to keep distinodas cultures. In this context, it was concluded the Convention on the Protection and Artistic Promoo of the Diversity of Cultural Contents and Expressions quedetermina in its article 4, paragraph II, that Cultural Diversity is a' ' multiplicity of ways for which if they express the culture of the grupossociais and society (…) the diversity cultural if not only manifest for diversasformas that it is protected, it enriches and it transmits the patrimony cultural dahumanidade' ' , but still, through ' ' variety of expressions culturaisde that the goods and services of all are carrying the parts of the world, distinct atravsdos means of production, diffusion, distribution and consumo' ' (UNESCO, 2004). The cultural diversity part of the comment of the difference dosmitos, stories, the currencies, the commerce, the arts, the techniques, dosinstrumentos, of the languages, sciences, the religions, the races, of ideas, gastronomia etc.