For study ends, we point out that if it deals with a comedy, however, of conscientizador matrix, acting as one film that denounces the occured barbarity in the Europe. Of intense social conscience, the film searchs to question a period efervescente of movements fascists in the Europe, criticizing the vindication of the citizen who, for patriotism, tolerates the murder of millions of Jews. An important detail is that the Carlitos personage was a Jew. The professors of History of the Education recommend to its pupils as source of contextualizao of a period strong marked by the hitleriana tyranny, what it will provide same to a chance of critical reflection. Teacher Diana Mara Gerber, Coordenadoria de Educao in the distance – CEAD – UDESC Virtual.
This fact sample that the Americans even so fought the nazistas, shared with them some of its methods, the common hatred to the communism was used as justification to pursue any refuting thought and is clearly that a popular and critical artist as Charles Chaplin even so had served at a first moment to the antinazistas interests, scared any system politician. The speech of the film shows the thought of the author who retook the critical ones to the process of modernization already evidenced in ' ' Modernos' times; ' to the process of alienation of the workers, also criticizes the racial intolerncia, one of the bases of the Imperialism, that ruiu with the end of World War II, as the liberators who had fought the nazistas atrocities the same kept treatment in the colonies that the nazistas they gave to the Jews? To question modernity scared the Americans, for who its society was the universal model chosen by God (nation of puritanos). Of this form the adorable Carlitos, misadjusted it made that them to laugh for being the opposite of them and the example not to be followed, if becomes a serious personage, politician.