To broader knowledge must also be obtained by the nursing staff, because these professionals ploughs responsible will be the care delivered you patients, facilitating the perception of complications arising from the uses of mechanical ventilation. Key words: Mechanical Ventilator; Multidisciplinary pneumonia; Nursing. the study is inserted in the line of it searches taking care of in the process health and illness, and predominant area Nursing in the care to the adult critical customer. The search of answers related to the consequences and riots presented for patients who acquire pneumonia when submitted to the ventilation mechanics and knowing that these riots can occur in face of a series of conditions that are submitted during the exposition to the mechanical fan, she served of base for the thematic pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics: The assistance of nursing in the prevention of this complication. The object of the study consists of the performance of nursing for prevention of the pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics, in which it is possible to observe the importance of these professionals during the care to the patient submitted to the ventilation mechanics, thus being able to reduce the levels of complications for such procedure, amongst them the pneumonia.
The motivation for accomplishment of this, while nursing academics, elapsed of the interest of the subject chosen, for being the pneumonia a present complication very during internment of patients submitted to the ventilation mechanics, leading to one aggravate in the condition of these critical patients. The problematic one consists of following the interrogative ones: How the performance of nursing can prevent occurrence of pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics? Which are the possible decurrent complications of the inadequate use of the ventilation mechanics in critical patients and as the nursing can intervene in order to reduce these complications? The general objective of the study is to raise the interventions of nursing in the control of the pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics; the specific objectives are to describe the cares of nursing in the prevention of the pneumonia associated with the ventilation given mechanics and uprising of as the nursing can intervene with the reduction of the complications that the inadequate use of ventilation mechanics leads to the critical patient.