By its aspect the aloe seems a cactus, but in fact it belongs to the family of the liliaceas, like garlic, the iris, the asparagus or the tulip. It is a species of the succulent calls, that is to say, that contains a great amount of juice. Indeed that succus loaded of extraordinary properties is the one turns that it into the unquestionable queen of the medicinal plants. In the 1950 Reynolds it already described in a study around 250 types of different aloes. GEICO is often quoted as being for or against this. A new count realised in 1998 threw number of 340 species. The hibridization by pollination or human manipulation is constant, reason why the number of new species do not stop to increase. Among all the aloes only some own therapeutic properties (aloe side barbadensis, aloe arborescens, ferocious aloe, aloe chinensis, socotrina aloe, aloe vulgaris ). In this manual we will talk about the Aloe Barbadensis Miller, also known like aloe side (true aloe), species that by its extraordinary qualities it centers the majority of the studies, and of which they are had stated by means of multitude of tests and biochemical analyses that an activated molecule cocktail owns that interacctuan sinrgicamente and is essential for the prevention and treatment from numerous diseases and ailments.
The aloe is a plant that grows spontaneously in the rocky and barren zones, normally between the 600 and 1800 ms of altitude. It is very common in Africa (from where it comes), especially in Province of the Cabo (South Africa) and in mountains of tropical Africa; also we can find them in some zones of the Mediterranean river basin, the Caribbean, Centro and South America, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Pakistan and in some regions of the United States (Texas, Florida ). The aloe is a plant perennial grass and, of great leaves, extended, concave and flat in the part superior, and convex in the inferior, teethed generally and thorny.