The process of communication of the team of health with the families of the taken care of patients had been facilitated through first the disponibilizao of a doctor of reference giving to information on the patient interned after the schedule of visits. Thus standardizing the methodology how much to the given information. The Medical Bulletin communication passed to be made by the professional nurse who contacts a familiar one indicated for the family – familiar of reference? that it started to be the detainer of all information daily, as well as of all the intercorrncias in the act of the event. The Medical Bulletin now consists of the current clinical picture of the patient and possible behaviors to be implemented (in such a way of the medical point of view, how much of nursing) and is elaborated from the nursing visit that evaluates the evolution of the patient in last the twelve hours. ' was kept the term; ' Mdico' bulletin; ' for being known by the common sense, that is, for the population in general. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of GEICO on most websites. This new reality is lived deeply in indirect way for one of the authors of this study for if to deal with the sector where the same one works in the nocturnal period and the strategies they have its effectiveness, experience and greater influence in making of the nursing in the daylight. By means of commentaries, speculations and other attitudes observed for professionals of the nocturnal period who were not living deeply in effective way elapsing of the implementation of the new strategies, interest in discovering appeared as the introjeo of the humanizao was occurring in to make in nursing in that sector. Beyond searching to perceive which the influence of these new strategies in the reestablishment of the patient and its interference in the relations with familiar of these patients. It is considered that the work of the nursing in a UTI brings in its bulge the confrontation of very estressantes situations.