The employer’s Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX) considers that Mexico and the United States should strengthen and not to renegotiate the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA) Treaty. (Gonzalez Sada, 2009) for what renegotiating a treaty which, from my point of view, for fourteen years has not as a result nothing more than pure disadvantages for Mexico? In the course of this time Mexico has been in total meltdown since Americans use our country as a very important means of international trade and exploit to the fullest the so-called Treaty of free trade; that it is worth mentioning that they see it as an agreement and not as a treaty as was stipulated and concluded by our former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari in 1993, in a few words the Americans can do and undo what pleases them, inventing non-tariff, measures safeguarding and other restrictions. We have for example the case of the Mexican trucking by U.S. highways, it was never agreed in the NAFTA trucks wishing to enter American territory that require certain quality to be able to travel on their roads and however happens and there are many more cases like this. It would be very important, I think I, reinforce and not renegotiate NAFTA, is clear that it is the most used by our country free trade agreement and we should get more out to this situation, which in truth is a great advantage to being the main commercial neighbor of the United States of America and stop being your mattress or your trash how are known colloquially; If NAFTA is better raises and good decisions are made when the United States sneezes, Mexico will not even present symptoms of disease. Original author and source of the article.