It has to consider the possibility of a clear autoconciencia in the distances of tarot letters, to accentuate sensitivity towards the needs of consulting and the serious disposition to transform of permanent way what it has already touched to its aim. The astrological configuration augurs a year of force and anger, for that reason it is not chance that to the people worries the morning to us, and we have the necessity to consult that future through letters of the tarot or the videncia. As always tenth, in the days of false change appears prophets who can alleviate our first moment of uneasiness, but that does not have nor the capacity of to see our destiny, nor true viewer or is understood of tarot. The gift of the videncia is innate, transmitted by generations, and that through letters of the tarot or other average ones allows us to see what the destiny provides to us, although to this we can change it destiny through discovery that in the tarot we have observed. The tarot and the videncia will give to specific information envelope us which happens in the depth of our being and of the situations that instill fear to us, and they determine our day to day. Therefore, from we recommended here that before deciding a consultation of tarot or videncia we do, it before honest people who have been in of their powers an honorable service to the others. Vistanos in Berta of the Masterful Tower of cartomancy original Author and source of the article