One concluded that although the knowledge told for purperas on basic questions that involve breast-feeding, perceives one deficiency in the spreading of these information to the mothers. The actions are suggested that educative and preventive, are spread out in all the after-Christmas attendance, having emphasized the importance of the aleitamento, the advantages that human milk has on other milk, demonstrating its nutricionais values, detaching despite pain is a common signal of this process, but that writ of prevention they can minimize the problem. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: exclusive maternal aleitamento, assistance of nursing, purperas. INTRODUCTION human milk is the feeding form most economic, and preferred for the neonato the term, is always available, soon to be served to the ambient temperature and exempt of contamination, it offers to protection against the obesidade and aterosclerose. The suckled neonatos, especially beyond two the three months of age, tend to grow in a satisfactory speed, however, slower than the neonatos suckled with baby’s bottles (WHALEY; WONG 1999).
Breast-feeding also is important for the mother conferring many advantages, between them, the effect of the ocitocina acts on the musculatura of the uterus, helping it to reestablish it its size and forms original. To the measure that makes the remaining portion of its body to come back more quickly to the normal one. finally brings a beneficial loan, therefore it facilitates to the establishment of the affective bond mother and son (MORETTO, 1990). It is configured in a food capable to supply all the necessities of the child until the sixth month of life. The orientation given to the women on the exclusive maternal aleitamento in the periods daily pay and after-Christmas increases its knowledge on the subject and guarantees greater effectiveness during the lactation. The success of breast-feeding requires preparation and previous knowledge on the anatomofisiolgicos, well-taken care of aspects prophylactic with the breast, nutricionais values of maternal milk and its advantage on too much milk.