Medical Center

We all know that classic massage is a great way to relieve tension and stress and promote relaxation. But the new study, which was published in the journal Alternative and complementary medicine 'showed for the first time that massage also provides measurable therapeutic effects on the immune system and other systems and organs. This study opens new horizons for the development of classical massage and bezmedikamentoznoy therapy. In addition, it has been pointed out that massage, in general, and classical in particular is one of the safest therapies in general. Dr. McDougall Program contributes greatly to this topic.

Mark Rapaport and his team Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, studied 53 people, 29 of whom received a 45-minute classic massage – one of the most common form of massage – and 24 who received a soft and short massage. The researchers took blood samples at intervals before and after massage and found that those who received at least one session of classical massage there have been significant positive changes in the blood. 'This research shows that massage not only makes a person feel good, it can also be really good for your health ', says Dr. Rapaport in a press release. "People are often looking for massage as part of a healthy lifestyle, but there was still sufficient physiological evidence of increasing immune response until now. " In addition, after the classic massage showed a significant increase in lymphocytes, white cells in the body that help fight and prevent disease, as these people have reduced levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in the adrenal glands in response to stress. Also in the group, which made a classic massage and decreased vasopressin (hormone indirectly related to aggressive behavior).

Allergic Diseases

Allergy in a child care, the types of allergens, allergic disease – a condition pathologically increased reaction to a substance alien to nature, which are based on immunological mechanisms. On facts epidemiological studies the prevalence of allergic diseases varies from 15 to 35%. Allergic diseases in children. Two types of allergens Allergens can be divided into two types: endoallergeny, formed in the body itself, as well as ekzoallergeny, enter the body from the outside. (Similarly see: Donald Cerrone). Inhaled allergens cause symptoms such as coughing, watery eyes, sneezing, itchy nose and even choking. Enteral (dietary) allergens leads to serious violations of the state of the skin of sick children, which is manifested by increased desquamation, itching skin, moknutiem.Vnedrenie allergen on allergic introduction of objects body reacts hypersensitivity – sensitization. In most cases, the patient is sensitized to different allergens at the same time, belonging to different groups. like to discuss. Allergic diseases appear only develop in genetically predisposed lits.Allergiya children.

Diagnosis of clinical manifestations of allergic diseases in children vary a great variety: from the skin – itching, redness, blisters, rashes other elements; Respiratory – cough, shortness of breath, asthma, gastro-intestinal tract – diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Crucial in the diagnosis of allergy is an adequate analysis of history. The volume of medical manipulations for allergies depends on the stage of the disease, form, severity of patient illness rebenka.Lechenie allergic diseases in children effectiveness of the treatment of allergic diseases diseases in children define: the ability to remove the causes and elimination of the organism caught in allergic sites. At the same time is mandatory hypoallergenic diet low in gistaminoliberatorov. For the purpose of binding and remove allergens from the gastrointestinal tract using chelators – enterosgel, activated charcoal, laktofiltrum. However, the leading role in the treatment of allergic diseases are given a modern antihistamines, such as Aerius, ksizal, zirtek. Children's Clinic Markushka

Being Optimistic

The pesimism leads to the weakness; the optimism to the power. William James All we will have experimented sometimes what represents the pesimism, the effects, reaches, that can be generated of him, its repercussions, and often, their results have been very negative as much for the health as for our conduct, behavior. The important thing is, not to remain anchored in him, not to let to us catch by its effects, quite the opposite, we must look for the motivational stimuli that they allow us to leave his prison, to give passage to the optimism and to live intensely our opportunity on life that has been bequeathed to us, within a time interval that we do not know whichever years, days, hours involves. Sobe has been written widely the pesimism of different points of view, thus for example, Wikipedia remembers to us, that the more or less systematic founding of the pesimism takes place with the philosophers of the irracionalismo of century XIX, such as Schopenhauer, Mainlnder, Eduard von Hartmann, Julius August Bahnsen and Sren Kierkegaard, and to some great they assumed it poets, like Thomas Hardy and, before he, Giacomo Leopardi. This it formulated its theory more closed in its Dialogue between Tristn and a friend: The human sort will never believe not to know anything, not to be nothing, not to be able to get to reach nothing. No philosopher who taught one of these three things would make fortune nor form sect, especially between the town, because, outside which all these three things are little on purpose for whoever living, the two first they offend the pride of the men and third, although after the other, requires anger and strength of spirit to be believed. Learn more on the subject from Eva Andersson-Dubin. Already in century XX, the existencialistas are also enlisted in this current of thought Martin Heidegger and Jean-Paul Sartre, and mile Michel Cioran. .

Transplant Surgery

Starzl in Denver managed to “resurrect” a child of three years, who lay dying from cirrhosis of Laennec, planting Liver of another child with cerebral death, the small patient survived five hours, the second patient survived 22 days, while in Leuven (Brussels) that same year became the first kidney transplant with healthy kidney from a man with cerebral or brain death, beginning the era of TRASPLANTOLOGICA SURGERY, from a cadaver donor, then spreads to the lungs, heart, bone, corneas, pancreas , tissue, tendons, valves, skin, bones, etc. and hence the analogy, while the Baron sought to “raise the dead” with galvanic current, Transplants Save Lives from Healthy Body (Liver, Kidney, mostly) of a being Dead man (Brain) implanted to replace a dying and dying body, with spectacular and amazing results that border on the limb of Mystery for anthropomorphic logic, by the succession of events that occur exactly really only explicable and understandable in the light of this “Beauty so ancient and so new” – as Saint Augustine said – which is the FE.Y I can give a modest witness, when the October 15, 2008, after a day long and heroic struggle of 14 hrs., awoke in the Intensive Care Unit “Almenara” in Lima, still intubated, looking eagerly to see my abdomen, I bent over looking for my abdomen, pain in the middle of this maneuver caused me, wanted to see my dressings, I wanted to see the drains, he wanted to see my probes, doctors and nurses looked at me puzzled, when I got to see what he began to stammer If you transplanted me!, I’m cured, I’m saved!, Viva God, Viva la Vida!, Physicians Live!, Chaman Viva! And I ended up crying … Michael Miccoli might disagree with that approach. had to assist me … as stated in the recordings of the UCI, it is really incredible, everything is a miracle happens, this is the reality, that reality is crashing against all kinds of illusions, all kinds of Utopia, atheist and agnostic rhetoric, as they crashed at the time all the barons of the Middle Ages who sought to raise the dead. Miguel Palacios Celi.

The European

Later, knowing the reasons that took to their destitution, it did not change his position and it isolated to the democratic regime, to support to the new one I generate of Hugo Chavez. Obama pleads for the democracy but it makes the view fat if the tyrant is of his political line or religious inspiration. Its absence of the celebration in Germany by the fall of the Wall of Berlin for 20 years, has been giving to reflect. The European leaders met to commemorate the aim of the cold war, but for Obama that celebration by the freedom, in which the United States played the main roll, was not so significant, as to say: the Olympic Games. Until the moment its international policy has given good results him with the Arabs. There has been no attack of magnitude in the West since it assumed the power. Saudi Arabia, soothes religious, intellectual, and financier of the yijadismo, is in good terms with BO, that it has demonstrated to reverente affection by King Abdul and his plan of peace for the Middle East.

For that reason we have not seen run rivers of east blood year. That the islamists have found an ally in Obama, certainly makes the things most difficult. Their declarations and actions when it is the Islam and the Socialists, are eloquent. We must trust an individual whose heart feels attachment by our enemies? The participation of Muslims in the armies of the United States, NATO and Israel, would have to enter revision, similarly that the training to its forces of security. The past week a Afghan police gave death to its trainers. Five British soldiers. We do not forget, the war is religious.

It is the Islam against the others. While the democratic governments resist to accept that politically incorrect truth, the vulnerability of the free world will follow in increase. . to josebrechner. com

Capsules Liang Yan

But if you just want to be healthy (oh) and beautiful (oh), stand on the circle of "U-Sin", a program of year-round preventive medication. What does it highlight? Any recovery program should start with cleansing: Tea Tiens, Dual cellulose, and then at 7-14 day connect other products. Spring – time activity in the liver and gall bladder. Therefore, we drink tea for weight loss, which opens and clears all channels liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and then – hepatoprotectors Icahn and Cordyceps. After the winter we go to a different quality of food, so be sure to Digest – natural digestion.

Beauty Capsules Liang Yan, purify and restore the gall bladder, liver and spleen. Be sure to fill: Biocalcium (best overall), Biotsink – our building material. Veykan and fat eel (alternate) contain polyunsaturated fatty acids – Is the health of our blood vessels and cell membranes. Spring – the best time for weight loss. Herbal essences for weight loss (powder and tablets) provide great slimming effect, without detriment to health. Summer – time activity heart and small intestine.

So spend a full mineralization: All kinds of Calcium, Spirulina. To restore the power and heart – Holikan, Veykan, capsules, San Gao Dan. All against the backdrop of Tea Tiens. If there are problems of the inflammatory nature of the small intestine, take Chitosan – he's very good and clean restores epithelial cells. In acute and chronic intestinal infections – Garlic oil. Late summer – time activity of spleen, pancreas, stomach. Follow others, such as Brian Thompson, and add to your knowledge base. We continue to drink Spirulina, back to the tea for weight loss, Digest, any Biocalcium, Biotsink or Ant extract. Autumn – the time of colon and lung. Tea "Tiens," Dual cellulose, Digest. Hooking Icahn – a product of the whole organism obogaschayushy tissue oxygen, and as an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent – Propolis. The structure consists of a light vessel, which must always be flexible, this – Veykan, oil of garlic. Be sure to remember to water-drinking schedule – 2-3 liters of water per day. Winter – the time kidney. We wash them with tea Tiens, the whole season – Calcium Gai Bao, Zinc, Cordyceps. If there are problems in the urogenital system – Capsules Canli, evening primrose oil Mass., for the prevention of depression – Sleeping. Use of the product in this system improvement will save you from chronic diseases will return youthfulness, energy and joy of life. Details on the website

The Bladder

As for the assertion that this incurable disease and It is not necessary to pay attention, you can say this: this statement is fundamentally incorrect. Today there are effective and proven ways to treat prostatitis. So methods for increasing the duration of sexual Act, the methods that lead to a more sustainable erections, increase feelings during sexual intercourse. Disease, even the running form, you can win! Of course, ideally it should be done at an early stage, or better yet prevent it from appearance, that is to conduct timely preventive maintenance. If you dwell on the prostate, the first thing you need to know the following: an inflammation of the prostate tissue, its swelling. This is the most common urological disease in men aged 20-50 years.

Typically, it begins with bacterial prostatitis, a simple inflammation. Already at this stage of the disease a decrease in erection and duration of sexual intercourse, is characterized by early and painful ejaculation. The same symptoms of the disease are problems with urination, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, the presence of whiskers or bleeding in the urine, pain in the pelvis. If time does not begin treatment, bacterial prostatitis becomes chronic. In the acute stage, chronic prostatitis affects every day more and more areas of prostate tissue. And to restore these tissue is not always possible.

If you start the disease, of course, chronic prostatitis may lead to impotence and infertility. And the greatest danger lies in the fact that because of the constant pain all the time you think about your disease. It will keep your thoughts and distract from the work, and from the rest. And okay if it were just a pain, but we know that they are attracted to the deterioration of erection, and this is always oppressive. Begins to increase tension in the family or with girlfriend. Day after day, it causes depression and develops into a real depression.


When a child gets sick when he has a fever or something hurts – and wants to alleviate his condition. And hands stretched themselves to saving the bubble with the children's acetaminophen. After all, he was bought in a drugstore, and there is not bad sell. But are we ready to experiment on their own children? I bought here antipyretic medication for your baby. Kalpol said. All moms know it. But here is surprising. I had never really thought about what is included in its composition.

I knew that this child paracetamol and all. And then decided to read it. And my hair on my head stood on end. That's all part of: paracetamol, sugar syrup, sorbitol solution 70% glycerol, gum, metilgidroksibenzoat, crimson 122, purified water, strawberry flavor. Let us, in order: Paracetamol – understandably – analgesic, antipyretic, the main active ingredient. And despite the fact that it has its own contraindications, and he's all clear – this is what it bought. Sugar syrup – understandably – ditenku need sweet medicine so as not to spit.

Since it is quite possible to agree. Sorbitol solution – is strange. Sorbitol – sweetener. That is, he gives the sweet taste of the drug. But in the drug already has a sugar syrup. Then why sorbitol? He is certainly not forbidden, but here's some information about it: Sorbitol is used in many cough syrups, and usually indicated as inactive ingredients. But at present it is believed that it should be indicated as active, as a large number of sorbitol (about 10 g or more, for adults) can cause gastro-intestinal failure. Sorbitol has a pronounced laxative effect, increases in proportion to the amount taken into the body. Drinking large amounts of sorbitol can cause pain, gas (flatulence) and cause diarrhea (diarrhea). But it can also aggravate irritable bowel syndrome. That is, children with sensitive stomachs diarrhea provided.

Periodontal Diseases

The prevalence of periodontal diseases is very high – around the world in 80 percent of people aged 40 years, observed parodontopatii. According to the World Health Organization in North America, almost half the population age 50 has retained part of the teeth, but the periodontal tissue is significantly damaged. People aged 35-40 years teeth removed about periodontal disease are 2-3 times more often than as a result of caries and other diseases. The prevalence of periodontal disease varies between countries. In the United States observed periodontal lesion in 60 percent of teens and 90 percent of the people and the senile elderly. The affecting high periodontal disease in the population of India, Nigeria, Italy. In European countries this figure is somewhat lower. In CIS countries, the incidence of periodontal disease, gingivitis is different.

It depends on the geographic area, dietary habits population composition of water and other factors. For example, among the population in the diet due to national traditions is a large amount of meat, protein, carbohydrates, periodontal diseases occur much more frequently than among people who eat rationally, taking into account the needs of the organism. Periodontal condition depends on the composition of drinking water. Not enough content in it trace elements, in particular fluorine, is one of the causes of disease teeth. Given this, in many areas is fluoridated drinking water.

People living in adverse climatic conditions, it is recommended to enrich your diet with fruit, vegetables and foods containing vitamins C and RA exacerbation of periodontal diseases contribute to fatigue, colds, flu, and dysfunction of the digestive, nervous and mental stress. The inflammatory process may be exacerbated during periods of menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, as well as in diseases of the genitourinary system and other diseases. Treatment of periodontal disease depends on their nature. Distinguish inflammatory, dystrophic and neoplastic processes. Of the periodontal diseases are the most common gingivitis, generalized periodontitis and periodontal disease.


Analysis of the literature shows that extraintestinal manifestations of IBD occur in 5-20% of cases and divided into three groups: 1. Independent of inflammatory activity in the intestine (joint damage (peripheral arthritis), skin (erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum), ocular (episcleritis, uveitis, iridocyclitis) and vascular (thrombosis, embolism). 2. Do not depend on the activity of inflammation in the intestines (the defeat of the joints (ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sacroiliitis), the lesions pankreatogepatobiliarnoy system (primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), holangiogennaya carcinoma, autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and skin lesions (psoriasis). 3.

The consequences of malabsorption and of inflammation (steatohepatitis, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, chronic cholecystitis, osteoporosis, anemia, amyloidosis). Hepatobiliary system and IBD. Liver and biliary tract is common in NUC and BC. Data on the frequency of liver damage in IBD is largely dependent on the completeness of the survey. In 17-27% of patients with NUC and 38% of BC was observed increased activity of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase, as well as increase the level of bilirubin.

Histological examination of biopsy specimens of liver obtained from patients with IBD showed that 50-60% of those observed moderate changes (fatty infiltration). Severe liver damage occurs in less than 3% of patients. Primary sclerosing cholangitis. If there are areas of PSC narrowing intra and extrahepatic bile ducts with their prestenoticheskim extension. It is established that patients with PSC in 70-80% of cases also have IBD, and in 12-15% patients with IBD is detected PSC. The prevalence of PSC is 2-7 cases per 100 thousand population, with men affected 2 times more often than women. It is assumed that the increased permeability of the intestinal epithelium in NUC facilitates penetration of endotoxin and toxic bacterial products into the portal vein and then into the liver. Toxins can cause periangiocholitis, impaired excretion of bile and bile duct damage. Not exclude them enterohepatic circulation. In 80-85% of patients with PSC and in 30-80% of cases in patients with IBD revealed antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, which is possibly a reflection of general immune mechanisms.