Medical Center

We all know that classic massage is a great way to relieve tension and stress and promote relaxation. But the new study, which was published in the journal Alternative and complementary medicine 'showed for the first time that massage also provides measurable therapeutic effects on the immune system and other systems and organs. This study opens new horizons for the development of classical massage and bezmedikamentoznoy therapy. In addition, it has been pointed out that massage, in general, and classical in particular is one of the safest therapies in general. Dr. McDougall Program contributes greatly to this topic.

Mark Rapaport and his team Researchers from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California, studied 53 people, 29 of whom received a 45-minute classic massage – one of the most common form of massage – and 24 who received a soft and short massage. The researchers took blood samples at intervals before and after massage and found that those who received at least one session of classical massage there have been significant positive changes in the blood. 'This research shows that massage not only makes a person feel good, it can also be really good for your health ', says Dr. Rapaport in a press release. "People are often looking for massage as part of a healthy lifestyle, but there was still sufficient physiological evidence of increasing immune response until now. " In addition, after the classic massage showed a significant increase in lymphocytes, white cells in the body that help fight and prevent disease, as these people have reduced levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in the adrenal glands in response to stress. Also in the group, which made a classic massage and decreased vasopressin (hormone indirectly related to aggressive behavior).

Products Stress

The effect of this therapy, which is called there – the extra pounds did not wait long. But healthy Products and neutralize stress hormones, and figure priberegut. After a few easy days of this diet you will notice the results – feel better, will be a natural complexion and mood – excellent! However cute tummy – this is only part of the problem. With a constant excess cortisol dying neurons in the brain. Among other things, it prevents the formation of serotonin – a hormone mood. The result – depression! Next on the program: depression – Overeating – the extra pounds on my stomach.

Relax against the main method of stress to deal with stress, for sure, you know: you can not make a difference – change your attitude towards it. To do this you need to master any you like method of relaxation. If you are a human endeavor and achievement, engage in sports such as tai-bo and step-aerobics. Exercise can help relieve the negative energy and allow another look at the problem. If you want to radically change the attitude towards life in general and to stress in particular, then enjoy a yoga or Taichi. No time or desire to engage in all of the above? Learn basic meditation and deep breathing – these methods allow to overcome any stress.

Not only for the beauty of fat in the waist, which doctors call central obesity – is not just ugly but also dangerous! Central obesity leads to cardiovascular disease, diabetes the second type, and even cancer. Often the structure of the figure is inherited, but genetic predisposition – is the reason only a quarter of all diseases associated with obesity. The only way to solve the problem – lifestyle changes. And it's completely within your power! Medicine from the plates and still without a diet is not enough. Importantly, do not go to extremes and do not limit yourself at all – because it is too stressful. So you need a healthy, balanced diet with anti-stress effect. Mediterranean – just like that. No wonder people of the Mediterranean suffer much less than others. Scientists suggest that their diet has a calming effect, helping the body fight chronic stress. The basis of the diet are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, cheese, nuts, seeds, olive oil. The secret – in small batches and special food culture, when food intake is converted into the present ritual. Thus, summarizing all the above, that would get rid of the protruding belly and fat in the waist to: Eliminate the cause of stress. Determine the source of stress, try to avoid or easier to treat because stress. As they say – do not take into golovu.Nauchitsya relax. Select relaxation: active sports, yoga, meditatsiyVybrat diet that you will be approached. Here are a few healthy eating PS Please Attention! Recommended sites on the subject of getting rid of belly fat