Mysteries Of The Male Soul

Masculine world of experiences and feelings has its exceptional and unique features. They are due to many reasons, including and especially the male psychology. I would like to offer you this story, in the hope that it will help you unravel the mysteries of the male part of the soul and thus achieve success in your relationships. All, of course, can not write and not write, but still From the earliest years for boys are presented very different requirements than to girls. The boys have (not like that word, but, nevertheless, this is how raising children require adult, "You should " Nobody and nothing anyone does not have to, you just have to respect the other person the identity, the right to choice but it's a topic for another article) to hide all signs of weakness and helplessness. For their tears punish contempt, but praised for its tenacity, endurance, determination, and sometimes directly promoted their open expression frustration and aggression. A man reported to be strong, confident, all-knowing.

This rule is for everyone. In the distant past, of those qualities of character embodied in the battle for survival, largely dependent on life not only of the men, but his family members. Today, as a result of the progress of civilization and social – moral change the image of Superman was somewhat anarchic. Despite this, he – still doing his job, markedly slowing emotional development of men and restricting his ability to express their emotions. Often under the guise of indifference, the image of "biscuit", hides a loving heart, sensitive and vulnerable nature, tender and soft, for which the "cattle tenderness, not just "male problem".

Queen Elizabeth survey shows: the Germans Miss during the holidays especially bread, beer & Curry sausage London / Berlin, xy. July 2012 means vacation time for many German feast time. But please only, if it is not British or American food. Then maybe a French cheese or an Italian bruschetta instead of fish ‘n’ chips or XXL burgers. So at least thinks the majority of German tourists, according to a representative survey of more than 1,000 German, and 27,000 international travelers to their culinary preferences. No wonder finally every second German travel emits about half of its travel budget for the meals. Britannia Ugh, Bella Italia hui Germans love Italy for eating Beatles, Big Ben and Bobby’s. Even if the British Isles have a lot to offer, in terms of food home to Queen Elizabeth, II has produced still no real export success.

To see at least the German holidaymakers and assess the British cuisine the worst. Lamb is available with Mint way nor in the course like the food in the land of opportunity, which occupies the last place. China ranks third. It tastes the best the Germans, however, in Italy (44 percent), France (26 percent) and Spain (21 percent). “” In the categories best price performance ratio”, catering for the family”and most authentic cuisine”creamed off the Italians of the highest number of points. If it be less rustic and more culinary top-class, however, so the Germans prefer to France, preferred traveling to Paris. Important aspect in the choice of holiday destination is holiday goes more than just Sun, sea and holidays through the stomach food. The food is equally important.

And it’s about much more than a full stomach. The numbers confirm that the survey. 75 Percent of all Germans ascribe an important role the birth benefit when choosing a travel destination. Especially for families (75 percent), good food locally is an important selection criterion.

Berlin Hungry

Who buys a hungry, buys not hungry to buy more Hochkalorisches the truism, confirmed by a study. With some other output. Berlin (9.5.2013). “Never an empty stomach go shopping!”, so warns up to today the proverbial Grandma. But also who just a few hours has eaten, is remote controlled in its purchasing decisions by the energy-hungry brain, have now found US researchers.

And also for the first time shows how then the grocery shopping actually change. As “Grandma” suggests, the amount remains namely or size of purchased food is largely right. What has changed is the energy content of the food, so the “calories”, who walk in the shopping cart 1. Already five hours without food, so the tests showed with 68 people, resulted in the selection of higher-calorie foods (for example, biscuits, snacks, or red meat) as persons who had completed their simulated shopping sick (and the more fruit, vegetables, or white) Poultry meat purchased). Researchers also examined 82 supermarket visitors have noted the same thing: they bought especially for the time of day, where the last meal a while is back (between 16 and 19: 00), high-energy food. Who goes shopping so hungry, should but watch not only on the amount of purchased food mainly due to their energy content. Or even better – and because grandma was just right – shopping on an empty stomach completely renounce. 1 Valley A, Wansink B: fattening people source: hungry grocery shoppers buy more calories, need more food.

JAMA internal med. 2013 may 6:1-2. additional information this press release, with kind recommendations from “Medicinal plants – the world of medicinal plants”, Germany’s oldest (since 1992) and relevantester website for phytotherapy.

Washboard Stomach

To the defined washboard abs with these unique tricks, the truth is for most people getting six pack abs is not an easy task, because it requires commitment and motivation… but it is possible! Below, is a General 2-step instructions, if religiously for 3 months following, will improve your abdominal muscles. Step 1: nutrition this the most important piece of the puzzle is down, hands. Enjoy the impressive number of abs have, but if it is covered with a layer of fat, you will not see them! Divide your day with 5 or 6 mini meals, because it directly starts the metabolism. And stop eating the foods that prevent you, see your abdominal muscles: white bread pasta soda candy dessert almost food sugars fructose corn syrup hydrogenated oils instead eat the foods that help you, will your six pack target: oatmeal olive oil whole grain breads fruits vegetables nuts eggs natural peanut butter chicken fish protein green tea water be realistic – you slip here and there. but a conscious effort to improve your eating habits.

Without good nutrition, getting a real six pack will not be possible. Step 2: Exercise you need to be on 3 different exercises: heart and weight lifting exercises focus. And targeted training 4 times per week (in any case at least 3 times per week). The cardio you can be anything: go, running, cycling, swimming… depending on what mind you, so that you stick with heart. The trick is in the heart is breaking because it burns fat fast. For example, if you run for a minute to walk and then Sprint for 15 seconds and repeat 10 times get off.

Do these kind of interval cardio 2 times a week. Weight lifting is important, because muscle has 3 pound Burns as many calories as a jog-1 mile… and this is, while you’re just sitting around! Aim for 30-45 minutes, two times a week. The last exercise, you need to be added to your training data, from Exercises. The aim of your abdominal muscles 3 times a week. There are many different exercises you can do off, so you try to find or 3, so that you it found favor and zapping. Tip: Vary your workout routine every 2 weeks to keep your body to advise and to improve. Add or take away different weight lifting or exercise, or at least vary the weight and the reps you can do. Well, there you have it. Follow that vary, you see above for 3 months, and while results from person to person an improvement in your ABS.

Incorrectly Treated Stomach Pain

Doctors can fail in diagnosis and treatment of stomach ailments. The bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes stomach inflammation in very many people. Although this correlation in medicine is known for decades, the right therapy, Yes at all the right diagnosis is often omitted. Who is suffering from a Helicobacter infection, can therefore possibly – as available. -for many years, looking across other doctors who give him any pain-relieving chemicals, but not really cure just the actual suffering of stomach. Perhaps the ill from his environment and even the doctors will hear only again and again, he should pay attention to a low-salt and low-sugar diet, he should exercise regularly, he should take a more (or less) calcium, he should be in serenity practice, etc. etc.

Now, who really has become a victim of Helicobacter pylori, even this advice isn’t necessarily very much against the pain will help the. However, it may be that – as in the Verf. -already after one week of treatment with antibiotics, the bacteria is killed off; the time of stomach ailments can be then basically finished. Analgesic agents, in particular to reduce the production of stomach acid, may be but may nevertheless be taken into consideration. After the experiences of the Verf. There’s no compelling reason to anticipate an immediate significant improvement in treating Helicobacter. It is particularly curious if a doctor while at least has correctly diagnosed a Helicobacter infection, but then still limited temporarily to relieve the patients something again with effectively only analgesic agents and to make him suffer otherwise continue.

And in particular by the above advice for stomach pain prevents an effective treatment. Granted: you must classify a low-salt and low-sugar diet, regular sports, the right calcium intake and in particular a reasonable composure not necessarily from the beginning as not healthy; Yes, even healthy people could be about diesbzgl. Changes their way of life thinking to stay free of pain as possible and efficient. But should you swear just doesn’t matter, that even a Helicobacter infection will be cured. So hear a familiar complaints about persistent stomach pain / stomach ulcers, should respond to first of all him Helicobacter. But doctors who fail here for diagnosis or therapy, should be reported if necessary at the competent Chamber; Anyway, this medical failure due to the massive exposure for the patients and due to the well-known medical contexts is not easy to apologize. Fr.