The Knowledge

If we open another debate, this time of the gratuity of the information, (because on the Internet seems to indulge in everything, as if the information flow without limits of inexhaustible Springs), other doubts arise as you are going to compete a portal that gives the news with a header of a journal’s prestige for sale to the public that is part of a reading and cultural tradition of a country quality information is not cheap. If your pay, you demand quality. Information also, equivalent to say objectivity. If it is made by rigorous and competent professionals, they should be well paid. A newspaper’s prestige, (some of whose summary pages are read daily on the Internet), cannot have a drafting only Fellows in practices.

Information needs the filter and a highly professional drafting assaying. Even to make bulletin must be knowing how to write with clarity and elegance. The opinion is one thing. The information another. The interaction between the Internet and the press is possible, when the newspaper uses Internet for support and thrives on its more dynamic appearance: interaction with its community of readers and Internet users who provide the grain of sand in your emails in the topics living or more controversial among the news which is published daily. A synergy that makes something alive newspaper; that allows you to press refresh daily with the echo of what we might call the mentidero of its readers; the plaza, the agora where discusses the news in real time.

The network, in sum. Internet has been revealed as a great tool to get the knowledge of libraries, textbooks, of the newspaper libraries of scientific treaties. Popularizing access to the data, facilitating the immediacy of the search, in a revolutionary way. In the same way that in due course the tuner was imposed on other media providing the news to listeners rather than others and in any circumstance and time.


How much weight will I lose? Gastric bypass technique shows a low of consistent weight of 65-70% of overweight at 5 years of follow-up. The drop in weight is more significant in the 1st year post surgery. Other techniques have results a little lower. It is not uncommon to lose 5 kg. every month at the beginning to go then lowering until 12 – 18 months.

A success is considered if half of overweight is lost. The interventions most outgrow it. In some speeches some patients recovered part of the lost weight. No intervention gives a 100% success to all patients. I’ll be back to gain weight then? Cases, can occur since obesity surgery is a mechanical means for controlling what you eat but does not cure the other sicolocicos aspects of the disease. Therefore, to avoid a subsequent intervention failure needs the cooperation of the patient and adjust your lifestyle to the new conditions arising from the intervention, for which you will be given a dietary program to meet your needs for nutrition and vitamins. When St.

balanced weight, that beforehand you cannot predict, the organism readjusts to the new intake and maintaining the weight. Weight loss is fat but not the noble parts of the body (muscles, vital organs such as liver, kidney, heart). Unpleasant effects that can it have? At the beginning, if you insist on eating vomiting may occur.To eat continuously will cause a widening of the stomach, and can even occur that skippings staples and again to gain weight. Operations with ring attempting to eat solids without chewing it can bring problems. Operations without ring patients better tolerate intake and do not suffer from vomiting. It is possible to feel pain at the incision and muscle abdominal, especially when breathing in way deep, when you cough and make efforts. Take a soothing pain, in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor.


Having a well toned abdominals is synonymous with health and self-esteem. The success of a slender figure depends on the disposition of each who own it but not of the old myth that says that achieving an enviable body is sew the scalpel or the Spa. The work abdominal in the majority of cases is bound to a healthy exercise routine accompanied by good food, in this case it happens, that not all people have the provision to remove excess fat and junk food from your diet which means an increase of those rollitos that disfigure the majority. It is possible to obtain a few abdominal markings!: look a few abdominal markings is not impossible provided a pressurized diet and an exercise routine are the key. The foregoing, depends in most cases of importance that each person gives to work his physical. Not all exercises ensure a flat stomach! Work the body to achieve a perfect abdominals is related to the exercises point made for them and not with the amount of sport performed. Many people are unaware if appropriate exercises were not made for toning, they desfalleceran not only in its purpose that will affect your health damaging as the lumbar and cervical areas.

What are the exercises that I do to tone your body? The Ab Coaster team exercises. The effects it produces in his body the Ab Coaster not only help you to tone your body but to shape your figure of quickly allowing you to obtain some abdominal perfect in a matter of days because these exercises cause one greater effect on your upper and lower muscles. With Ab Coaster, you’ll not only have a machine for molding your body! With the AB Coaster, you will not only have a machine for molding your body but a full home gym since exercising the entire body including the upper abdominals and lower without generating the stress and the common efforts that require other products. Improve your self esteem with the help of Ab Coaster! Now no matter your age, you will not only have a beautiful figure but a good self-esteem that will help you succeed in their social and labour relations looking spectacular anytime. How can I test the efficacy of this equipment? Instantly, since testimonies prove it to work my abdomen with the Ab Coaster, I noticed a great cambio says Andrea Salgado, consumer of this product two months ago. Where I get it? For more information, you can contact the Call Center 091 2887700 in Bogota. Also, can go to one of the points of sale nationwide telesales has available for you or go to the website:.