Learn A Little About Yourself

Love to draw? Excellent! Did you know that your funny pictures can tell about you a lot of interesting information? For a specialist course, but you also have already demon-five minutes a specialist? We have, however, not a circle of young talent We therefore draw geometric shapes. Well, to begin with a look at what the overall picture of the life you have. Do you already have paper and pen? Yeah, well. So, draw three circles. Your first past the second – the present and the third, Naturally, the future.

And each of them put a capital letter time (n, n, b). Ready? And now look. Soooo, what is the distance between the circles? Your future is away from you on the floor sheet? Or the past? In fact, before you now visually depicts your plans, experiences and expectations. Ideal scheme probably does not exist. You create it, it is yours, and you decide what is ideal. But it is worth considering, if the terms of the past too closely, or creeps on Currently, much less future. Is it too much attention you pay to him? You can not always live in the past. By the way, the most obvious sign that you "sits up" in the past is ….

Constipation. So be careful. As difficulties with the toilet, thinking: "I do not often leaf through the photos ….." More about your attitude toward your life say the size of circles. For comparison, here is an example of that, children, circle of the Future, the biggest draw.

Products Stress

The effect of this therapy, which is called there – the extra pounds did not wait long. But healthy Products and neutralize stress hormones, and figure priberegut. After a few easy days of this diet you will notice the results – feel better, will be a natural complexion and mood – excellent! However cute tummy – this is only part of the problem. With a constant excess cortisol dying neurons in the brain. Among other things, it prevents the formation of serotonin – a hormone mood. The result – depression! Next on the program: depression – Overeating – the extra pounds on my stomach.

Relax against the main method of stress to deal with stress, for sure, you know: you can not make a difference – change your attitude towards it. To do this you need to master any you like method of relaxation. If you are a human endeavor and achievement, engage in sports such as tai-bo and step-aerobics. Exercise can help relieve the negative energy and allow another look at the problem. If you want to radically change the attitude towards life in general and to stress in particular, then enjoy a yoga or Taichi. No time or desire to engage in all of the above? Learn basic meditation and deep breathing – these methods allow to overcome any stress.

Not only for the beauty of fat in the waist, which doctors call central obesity – is not just ugly but also dangerous! Central obesity leads to cardiovascular disease, diabetes the second type, and even cancer. Often the structure of the figure is inherited, but genetic predisposition – is the reason only a quarter of all diseases associated with obesity. The only way to solve the problem – lifestyle changes. And it's completely within your power! Medicine from the plates and still without a diet is not enough. Importantly, do not go to extremes and do not limit yourself at all – because it is too stressful. So you need a healthy, balanced diet with anti-stress effect. Mediterranean – just like that. No wonder people of the Mediterranean suffer much less than others. Scientists suggest that their diet has a calming effect, helping the body fight chronic stress. The basis of the diet are whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, cheese, nuts, seeds, olive oil. The secret – in small batches and special food culture, when food intake is converted into the present ritual. Thus, summarizing all the above, that would get rid of the protruding belly and fat in the waist to: Eliminate the cause of stress. Determine the source of stress, try to avoid or easier to treat because stress. As they say – do not take into golovu.Nauchitsya relax. Select relaxation: active sports, yoga, meditatsiyVybrat diet that you will be approached. Here are a few healthy eating PS Please Attention! Recommended sites on the subject of getting rid of belly fat

Super Useful Blueberry

Vaccinium myrtillus L. – Blueberry Sam. Ericaceae – Strongly branched shrub Brusnichnoe height of 15-50 cm stems are thin, ribbed, green. Leaves alternate, ovate, serrulate at the edges, glabrous or light green, deciduous. Flowers solitary (2) on short stalks in the axils of upper leaves.

Corolla urceolate-globose, reddish or greenish-pink. The fruit is spherical, many-seeded berry with a bluish black coating on the surface. It flowers from May to July. Distribution. It grows in coniferous enlightened and broad-leaved forests and shrubs (mostly spruce, pine and beech) on gravelly and rocky glades, alpine pastures and peat bogs. Found throughout Europe (in the south only in the mountains). Raw materials.

Used as raw leaves (Folia Myrtilli) and fruit (Fructus Myrtilli). The leaves are dried at temperatures up to 45eC, and fruit after the evaporation of most of the moisture from them, finally dried at a temperature of 60-70 C. Fruits have pleasant sweet-sour astringent taste. Content. The leaves contain up to 20% tannins, flavonoids, vitamin C, ursolic acid and a small amount of essential oil. Dried fruits contain 5-10% tannins, sugars, pectin-free organic acids, vitamin C, anthocyanin pigment and other main effect. Adstringentnoe (astringent), anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic. Experimental data. The experiments revealed that a decoction of blueberries for 24 hours sterilizes in vitro culture medium, infected B. coli, bacillus and bacillus Ebert Gertner. In experiments on dogs Poulsson observed hypoglycemic effect. It is established that contained in the leaves glycoside neamirtilin lowers blood sugar in experimental diabetes in animals aloksanovom. Empirical data. In folk medicine, bilberry fruit in many countries is used to treat gastro-intestinal disorders, inflammatory processes in the mouth, gingivitis, aftah, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. Winternitz) treats are hard to treat other opiates and astringent decoction of chronic diarrhea blueberries. He also applies them in external treatment of eczema. Leclerc argues that people with diabetes who developed ulcerative stomatitis, works best mouthwash decoction of blueberries. Decoction of leaves of blackberry, along with a decoction of Mulberry leaves are used in the initial diabetes. Bart, Rayhery Levind and managed to eliminate sugar in the urine of diabetics, a decoction of the leaves of bilberry, and this is in any case not accompanied by a decrease in blood glucose levels. Some authors argue that the decoction of the leaves of blueberry and has hypotonic effect on patients with high blood pressure. In fresh or stewed blueberries in the form recommended for treatment of diabetic retinopathy. It is believed that anthocyanosides improve vision. In folk medicine, bilberry is used: for diarrhea – a few pieces of dried fruit or fresh blueberries well chewed over short intervals of time and then swallow, with stomach pain take 10-12 drops of an alcohol infusion of blueberries (on a sugar cube) or with a dollop of warm water or wine (alcoholic extract of bilberry prepared as follows: 8 tablespoons blueberries to put in a bottle for half a liter, pour clean vodka or rubbing alcohol, stand for months), with chronic rheumatism use a decoction of 40 grams of fruit that is cooked 20 minutes per 200 g of water – drink 5-6 tablespoons per day for a long period of time. Method of application. In the form of tinctures, broths and jams. Rp. Fructus Myrtilli 100,0 DS for 2 teaspoons of cold 300 g of extract (endure 8 hours and then strain) – the daily dose (for diarrhea). – Use of Medicinal Plants

Lifestyle And Infertility

Nowadays 30% of infertility is caused by disorders of the female, 30% – male disorders, 30% is the combined infertility. And 10% of the doctors can not find the cause of infertility. It is important to remember that among the factors cervix. Women who smoke the success of ART (helper reproductive technology) is much lower – their ovaries react poorly to ovulation stimulation. In men, nicotine leads to disruption of the educational process sperm. Drug abuse (marijuana, etc.) and medications that are prohibited by the uncontrolled admission, reduces the quantity and quality of sperm. In particular, alcohol lowers levels of testosterone – a hormone that plays an important role in the formation of sperm. In women, alcohol in large amounts interferes with the menstrual cycle and leads to the cessation of ovulation.

Alcohol also increases the likelihood of miscarriage and can cause birth defects in unborn babies. Nutrition is an important factor weight. A significant deviation from the norm – whether overweight or lack of it can lead to a reduction coffee consumption. You should also remember that fizzy drinks and chocolate contain caffeine. There is evidence that drinking a cup of coffee before intercourse can increase the activity of sperm. Folic acid acid found in green leaves of vegetables, lentils, asparagus, papaya, broccoli, liver, chicken and veal boiled eggs, wheat germ. Sport Despite the apparent benefit of maintaining good shape, excessive physical stress can negatively impact on men seeking to conceive. Increased body temperature in the scrotum, sperm quality deteriorates.

Sandalwood To OIL

OIL 'Virgo' 4 drops of a bouquet of patchouli 2 drops evernii 1 drop cypress OIL 'Demeter' 3 drops Myrrh 2 drops vetiver 1 drop bouquet evernii 'spread to attract money and success initiatives and implementation of evaluation. Apply also on the body to work in the garden, cleaning harvest and work with herbs for fertility. Helps to attune to the energy of the Earth. OIL 'PROTECTION' ( 1) 5 drops 5 drops ptigreyna black pepper is used to protect against all kinds of attacks. Put it also on windows doors and other parts of the house. OIL 'PROTECTION' ( 2) 4 drops Basil 3 drops geranium 2 drops Pine 1 drop vetiver OIL 'land' (Elemental) 4 drops Patchouli 4 drops cypress awakens the energy of the earth, makes money, prosperity, abundance, stability.

(See Chapter 19.) Butter 'before the interview and 4 drops of ylang-ylang, 3 drops Lavender 1 drop Rose used to all kinds of interviews. Helps make a favorable impression. OIL 'HEALING' ( 1) 4 drops Rosemary 2 drops Juniper 1 drop Sandalwood OIL 'HEALING' ( 2), 3 drops eucalyptus 1 drop 1 drop palmarosa nayauli 1 drop of peppermint is used for narrow-leaved healing. OIL 'Capricorn' 3 drops vetiver 2 drops Cypress 1 drop Patchouli Used as a personal oil to increase strength. OIL 'LUNAR' 4 parts Sandalwood 2 parts Lemon 1 part of camphor is used to attract the influence of the Deity. OIL 'MOON' 1 drop Jasmine 1 drop Sandalwood To increase the power of dreams, healing, good night's sleep, fertility and other influences of the moon.

Plastic Surgery In Germany – Plastic Breasts

Female breast – it is not only part of the body of every woman, but also great aesthetic pleasure, a sign of motherhood and womanhood. However, very often a woman unhappy with natural or acquired shape and volume his chest. Transformation and restoration of chest of beauty – is the primary task of every surgeon in clinics in Germany, in this and focus their high skills. Professional plastic surgeon, conducting therapy in Germany gives a guarantee on their work, which significantly reduces the risk of substandard operations. Plastic breasts in Germany begins with the psychological testing of an individual plan, which resulted in specialists assess voluntariness and willingness to change in breast shape or its size. Before each operation to avoid possible complications conducted a comprehensive, thorough examination. This greatly improves safety and the quality of the upcoming plastic surgery to change his chest. Breast reduction, breast augmentation, correction of the form – all these operations are carried out successfully in German clinics.

If you change the shape of the breast implants used different forms (anatomical shape, round, high profile) and filler. Widely used model with a special silicone gel having the self-preservation form even if damaged shells, and table salt. On All implants for patients by a lifetime warranty. Full details of the operation: technique of an operation, a suture, the position of implants – previously discussed with the patient and shall only be used after surgeon and patient communication about the advantages and disadvantages of each method. After surgery patients given rehabilitation, which, according to an individual plan, identify all possible loads and rest on the operated limb.

Nobel Prize

Environmental research has shown that in the recreation areas over the sea in the ozone layer dominates lactic acid bacillus. In environmentally disadvantaged areas are the opposite. And there, most people complain to the work of the digestive system. Today it is no secret that a good digestion depends on the microflora inhabiting the digestive tract. In cities is difficult not to feed your friends with bacterial products, preservatives, dyes, disintegrants, stabilizers and other chemicals, like antibiotics that kill bacteria so important. Man breathes the poisoned air, drinking bad water, drinking in general violate the regime and then transport medium slag output lags behind the general metabolism, etc. This is the main reason for the failure of adaptive mechanisms – IMMUNITY.

Start it is intestinal wall! The error of modern society is that by advertising convince us of the usefulness of yogurt, but …. they do not contain dairy sour sticks Mechnikov. Yes, they are useful as food, and if the period of storage is not more than 3 days. Analysis of the scientists showed that the "live bio yogurt" does not happen! In products with long shelf life can not live bacteria, the floor – the year, it just dies … why fermented milk market such a product does not have …. What do? How to raise immunity to propagate a number of important microorganisms. PRESENT MOVEMENT MECHNIKOVSKOE offers a technique called "Oseyanie." The method developed consciousness of the population in a new aspect – "the microbes to of man.

" Therefore, there is refreming conscious relation to its protective microflora. Personal health is the lot of man himself, rather than doctors. Top of the knowledge laid Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. He always advocated preventive medicine. Although he received the Nobel Prize for developments in the field of immunology, namely, for the phagocytic theory of immunity, (incidentally, the last 100 years the prize of Russian scientists in the ARMY Physiology and Medicine).