“First German pilot study shows promising results of postnatal exercises, pelvic floor muscle training, Kegel exercise: every new MOM tries after giving birth also untenrum” to get back in shape. The vagina is stretched extremely births in a natural way. No wonder that many women (mostly anonymous in Internet and parents forums) complain that it would no longer so closely feel during sex. Stretch and relax the vagina leads to less narrow and reduced friction; sexual activity is often used after childbirth for both partners not so satisfying. Postnatal exercise and pelvic floor exercises not enough usually, to restore the original state of taut.
A surgical tightening of the vaginal wall is far more promising, but also in addition to the high cost – risk downtime long surgery and one connected. A vaginal narrowing by injections with hyaluronic acid or fat is not always the desired effect. And even the achieved effect is not permanent: there is the under splashed material breaks down, must be injected at regular intervals. Finally, there is hope: with a laser, which tightens the vaginal tissue. And that without surgery, without downtime, in a 10-minute virtually pain-free treatment. The first pilot study in Germany with this laser was carried out in may 2013. Specialist in plastic surgery and experienced intimate surgeon Dr.
Stephan Gunther from Dusseldorf has treated 12 patients with the laser in the course of the study, who all complained of lost vaginal tightness about a feeling. The results of the pressure measurements of the vaginal Canal, check-ups, as well as before and after questionnaires relating to sexuality are now evaluated. And that show a clear result: 92% of the patients reported a significantly better (closer) feeling of the vagina; also interviewed partners of the subjects clearly noticed this change in sexual intercourse. When the subjects before treatment by complaints of reduction in or unintentional loss of urine This reduced reported in all cases.