Most often such thefts occur at night, so arrange spot checks around the clock. Even if You have no one caught it will bring fear to the potential thieves. There are several methods of "overlap" the amount of theft, for example, lay in the price. As well as an option if there is a shortage of products based on inventory for a certain amount – you can not figuring what to do and who to blame, but just fine for all workers on the amount you have lost through their fault. Since the most vulnerable place in a restaurant is a bar, then You can organize a mixed mode of control. Suppose a restaurant xPOS system and video surveillance systems. The result of these measures will be saved time and money.
The camcorder can be set anywhere have a network lan (Local Area Network), and can also be connected directly via a modem or wireless adapter connection. The network is only transmitted image. The sound can be heard, having received from the archive file is generated. Desirable You to control not only the bar and kitchen, but additional extensions, etc. To simultaneously monitor all these sites have either hired a watchman, or guard dogs, or put a video surveillance system. Another advantage of video surveillance systems – is the collection of data in your absence. The system will record, while you were at the facility. And this is a very significant plus. This method is also the fact that the bartender did not know at what moment for him monitored, and can not be sure that the record will not be studied later.