Interleucina 6 (IL-6) also increases the activity of 11BHSD-1, what it contributes for the increase of the fabric adiposo visceral.10 the abdominal obesidade is the consequence most excellent of the excess of the release of cortisol, since this hormone is responsible for the adipocitria differentiation distribution of the fabric adiposo.11 the avocado consumption contributes for the modulation of the involved mechanisms central offices estresse with it and the appetite, thus helping indirectly in the reduction of and the loss of peso.6 the avocado will have an important paper in the reduction of which had its HERE HERE high beta-sitosterol concentration. The beta-sitosterol is one fitoesterol with a similar chemical structure of the cholesterol. As Soares and Ito the avocado will on average count to 83.3% of beta-sitosterol of the total of its content of esteris.12 the beta-sitosterol it inhibits the release of cortisol, promoting reduction of the formation of abdominal fat. Moreover, cortisol is an antagonistic one of the GH, that he is involved in liplise in the increase of lean mass. One concludes then that the beta-sitosterol, favors the reduction of HERE and the corporal fat for two mechanisms: The first one it would be directly for the proper reduction of the release of cortisol, that already it diminishes the formation of abdominal fat; as indirectly promoting a bigger secretion of GH for the inhibition of the secretion of cortisol, therefore this is antagonistic of the GH, favoring liplise and the mass increase magra.13 the release of cortisol has its peak between 6h and 8h of the morning and 23h and 24h. Being thus the avocado the night must be consumed, to prevent this peak of cortisol, since the GH also has its bigger peak of release in this schedule, more specifically during sleep. Being thus, it is desirable that it does not have cortisol in circulating excess so that does not occur the inhibition of the GH.6 peak Studies shows that the text of glutationa, one substantiates altamanente antirust, of the avocado is 27,7 mg for 100g of fruit, what is equivalent the 3 times more than what any another fruit.