People who not to happen of simplicity can be annoying nor be defecated in their face: they are unique people, cheers and people in charge. People who mainly adjudged the mandate to a representative, to you, and did it in freedom and by the freedom with you, devulvales what they gave him and now she harms to them.There is the difference between democracy and totalitarianism: first it is born from the town for the freedom of the town; and the second is born from the imposition on the town to press the citizens of the town. You give them deposits to the town: unique governor and guides of his representation and its values;and he does not go against the masses. Although I fear that with his permanence, also he goes so against same you and of its class, that stops to erase La Mancha of the left will be needed too many lustrums Perdneme you it interference, although as it is logical and I know, you already are customary a to send my writings garete: it can take this one, wrinkle it and also throw it to the wastebasket: he is already customary. As I am it to loosen what fodder, without hairs in the language: you remember them words of the Che: " I prefer to die standing up, before to live arrodillado" Even so, I want to understand his legitimate bounce: partisan, that yes, and in a personal view. Nevertheless, I cannot nor I want to understand that voluntarily you disturb the day to day of the citizens of or and benefit from a town which she is conceited to represent and disturb and leave in the defenselessness. With its permanence and his I veto to the understanding, in sociolocal benefit, you irremediably entail you to the fustracin and the loss of local benefits that will derive, in the citizens and happening of the future immediate of Navas of San Juan. .