Nowadays 30% of infertility is caused by disorders of the female, 30% – male disorders, 30% is the combined infertility. And 10% of the doctors can not find the cause of infertility. It is important to remember that among the factors cervix. Women who smoke the success of ART (helper reproductive technology) is much lower – their ovaries react poorly to ovulation stimulation. In men, nicotine leads to disruption of the educational process sperm. Drug abuse (marijuana, etc.) and medications that are prohibited by the uncontrolled admission, reduces the quantity and quality of sperm. In particular, alcohol lowers levels of testosterone – a hormone that plays an important role in the formation of sperm. In women, alcohol in large amounts interferes with the menstrual cycle and leads to the cessation of ovulation.
Alcohol also increases the likelihood of miscarriage and can cause birth defects in unborn babies. Nutrition is an important factor weight. A significant deviation from the norm – whether overweight or lack of it can lead to a reduction coffee consumption. You should also remember that fizzy drinks and chocolate contain caffeine. There is evidence that drinking a cup of coffee before intercourse can increase the activity of sperm. Folic acid acid found in green leaves of vegetables, lentils, asparagus, papaya, broccoli, liver, chicken and veal boiled eggs, wheat germ. Sport Despite the apparent benefit of maintaining good shape, excessive physical stress can negatively impact on men seeking to conceive. Increased body temperature in the scrotum, sperm quality deteriorates.