
A good part of the prote’ge’, subsidized and regulated by the government, devours the bourgeoisie and the corruption to its whole satisfaction. Reventa, the speculation, the monopolizing, the contraband extraction, the clientelism, the influence traffic, the evils own of the capitalist economy, and the Venezuelan idiosyncrasy acquired in 4ta is. Republic, in that still we lived, and that alters the innocent official intentions, to promote the socialist economy. epper. But in a culture like ours, the paradox exists, on which it is due to make with the intentions humanists of this was bolivariana, to release the economy completely, hoping that the famous invisible hand of the market protects to us of the evils of always, in this case is necessary to recognize that the guarantee must, that the owner by eagerness of wealth, will make but the productivity efficient, although also the human operation or can on the contrary, control the economy, taking part in means of production, the prices and granting social subsidies, trusting to our civil servants and the workers the direction of the businesses and the efficient and opportune distribution of products to the colectivity. If outside by the invisible hand, already one saw as it acted in the USA, with the crisis of end 2008, where some bankers with much freedom, speculated trying to include illegal businesses, generating the worse world-wide recession and the greater social exclusion economic, represented in 12 million of unemployed, If we spoke of interventionism of the state, the problem must which probos civil servants are needed so much as nationalized businesses, to continue with the productivity, as well as to fight the vultures of the sector deprived, that monopolize to resell and to smuggle, with crude desires of gains. Of course, if in anyone of the two alternatives the crimes are not punished, seguira destining to the failure any economic model that is implanted. .