
How much weight will I lose? Gastric bypass technique shows a low of consistent weight of 65-70% of overweight at 5 years of follow-up. The drop in weight is more significant in the 1st year post surgery. Other techniques have results a little lower. It is not uncommon to lose 5 kg. every month at the beginning to go then lowering until 12 – 18 months.

A success is considered if half of overweight is lost. The interventions most outgrow it. In some speeches some patients recovered part of the lost weight. No intervention gives a 100% success to all patients. I’ll be back to gain weight then? Cases, can occur since obesity surgery is a mechanical means for controlling what you eat but does not cure the other sicolocicos aspects of the disease. Therefore, to avoid a subsequent intervention failure needs the cooperation of the patient and adjust your lifestyle to the new conditions arising from the intervention, for which you will be given a dietary program to meet your needs for nutrition and vitamins. When St.

balanced weight, that beforehand you cannot predict, the organism readjusts to the new intake and maintaining the weight. Weight loss is fat but not the noble parts of the body (muscles, vital organs such as liver, kidney, heart). Unpleasant effects that can it have? At the beginning, if you insist on eating vomiting may occur.To eat continuously will cause a widening of the stomach, and can even occur that skippings staples and again to gain weight. Operations with ring attempting to eat solids without chewing it can bring problems. Operations without ring patients better tolerate intake and do not suffer from vomiting. It is possible to feel pain at the incision and muscle abdominal, especially when breathing in way deep, when you cough and make efforts. Take a soothing pain, in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor.