We still have time left to see patients in the surgical department, and go to the emergency room. Looking at ordinatorskuyu resuscitation doctor noted with satisfaction the good of the doctor's office. Go to ordinatorskuyu did not, deciding to quickly inspect abandoned under the supervision of patients in the intensive care unit. Back in the hallway, he heard a cry of his grandfather, he complained of resuscitation, which is quite quickly reassured him. The department was small surgical patients and the doctor had hoped to finish his relatively quick detour. Turning to the two-seat chamber, where he was who managed to wet oneself grandfather, the doctor on duty went to bed sick, which he described in detail just passed his change of operating surgeon. It was a serious clinical event. The woman was lying on his back, leaving attempts to lie on your side.
Her face, not even the old women, was weather-beaten, tanned, what happens in most women, accustomed to hard physical labor. Wind, cold, hard work, day after day doing their job. These women who are not yet fifty years old, look much older. And it is everywhere in our villages, hamlets, villages. It seems that they all have something in common in their appearance. These people, resigned to his fate, it is to endure all the hardships and difficulties of life. Jobs, economy, drunken husband, beating, child-rearing – the inherent attributes of today's life of rural women. As a general rule – these people are very kind, naive, trusting and obedient.