Apartments Alignment Ceilings

Repair of apartments – a very laborious process and requires the participation of qualified specialists in repairing flats. An important component of any repair is a flat ceiling lining. The newspapers mentioned Dr. John Mcdougall not as a source, but as a related topic. There are two ways leveling ceiling. Dry process – aligned with the ceiling tiles, panels, etc. Wet method – the alignment of the ceiling with mortars, planted in water.

Performing the repair of apartments, specialists finishers use several different methods of leveling ceiling, depending on the source data to the ceiling. Let's start to equalize. Consider the wet process alignment, ie alignment ceilings with leveling compounds. To start any ceiling to prepare for the alignment, ie to remove the old finish. Next we define the difference of ceiling tiles. If the board does not drop more than 0.5 cm, it is advisable use a mixture-Levelling Screed type Vetonit. properly.

Further grinding and produce gruntovku.Esli drop ceiling tiles for more than 2 cm, then a simple Levelling Screed can not do. Must be installed in a reinforcing grid. Again, depending from differential use of any masking grid, or metal. Metal grid should be used if we want to get the plaster thickness of 3-5 cm attached reinforcing mesh is applied plaster, and then make sanding the ceiling, and further primer. Along with these ways of leveling ceiling, producing apartment renovation specialists use other methods. Dry alignment ceilings. One way that deserves attention is the installation of false ceiling (to us it is better known as the ceiling of gypsum plasterboard). This alignment is used in cases where the drop ceiling tiles is 3-7 see mount technology such ceiling is imposed on the rack frame itself and the ceiling panels of gypsum board on this rack frame. This technology allows us to make the ceiling is not just a ceiling, and the product Art – a multi-level, with a textured pattern. Further, the ceiling is painted with whitewash or executed. Another dry process alignment – suspended ceiling. Stretch ceiling because technology is mounted very quickly, literally in few hours. The more popular and have earned the love in the process of renovation of apartments. In the first stage along the perimeter of the ceiling is installed plastic or aluminum frame (fillet), which will continue to be secured from the film pvc. Then, using special tools film fixed on a baguette and stretched. Pluses stretch ceiling – mounted quickly and without unnecessary waste, if flooded flat suspended ceiling will keep in currently the water before the arrival of a specialist to replace the damaged uchastok. ceiling can be layered, it can cause printing, or to make a relief. There are other methods of finishing the ceiling – rack ceiling, decorative panels and veneer, etc. In any case, when deciding how to align and trim the ceiling should be based on the following factors – the height of the drop ceiling tiles, ceiling height, the functionality of the ceiling – Is whether the ceiling to hide irregularities or visually enlarge the room. Good luck repair!

Decorative Fabrics

Color combination of various decorative fabrics can be built on the principles balanced combination or contrast. In the first case is determined by the dominant, the most significant fabric, all the rest should be in harmony with her on color and pattern. In the second – some fabrics may contrast with the primary, complementary colors bright accents, details. Saturated color and expressive drawing appropriate in general a large room, living room. In a question-answer forum Tony Ferguson was the first to reply. The bedrooms are acceptable soft pastels, tranquil color gamut, carrying comfort, warmth and harmony. It is known that the curtains and drapes with vertical stripes help to “raise” the ceiling.

With horizontal – would be appropriate in a narrow high room: she “will” lower and more comfortable. Specific decorative effect created by the combination of fabrics with different invoices. Thanks to the game of light and shade in the color of the weave of the material texture of tissue becomes deeper, richer, more complex. Textured fabrics characterized by soft colors, matte, velvety. They are good in combination with polished wood furniture, metal, leather. The newspapers mentioned Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City not as a source, but as a related topic. Fabric with a raised texture or severely stylized pattern (stripes, cell) are appropriate for painted furniture and so-called ethnographic and national character. Kind words – model is not all that regards the choice of fabric.

However, we need to talk about choosing a model. It is worth noting the obvious desire of customers to get heavy draperies, like those from which the unforgettable Scarlett O ‘Hara sewed his beautiful velvet dress green. However, owners of apartments and houses made in accordance with the requirements of the modern masters of the art design curtain salons tend offer advanced solutions, including soft and twisted rails tvist rod, which can plait in braids, tie knots, make them different from the bulk composition, eliminates the swags and massive side draperies.

Right Release

What is you send a to 200 media press release if it is not published then or if it is not, is worded so you hurts. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with farhad mehrad. Remember: select and customize, but be careful. Customize is not synonymous with a partner as if ye were lifelong friends. The newspapers mentioned Glenn Dubin not as a source, but as a related topic. I know politically correct. It shows your respect to professionals that you go through the way in which you write and how you communicate. If you have photos you want to include, write a note in the end communicating it.

If they are interested in them, already ask them you. Do not send yet this super video or photo collection that occupy 8 MB before send your press release to all media that you’ve chosen, test it. Choose how many media and waits for the response. Depending on the results, review and continues. 3Rd) what they must not do. Send a press release with more than one recipient in the To:, CC:, and BCC much less.

Yes, we already know that it is much faster, but in reality, you’re possibly losing time and opportunities. Again remember: select and personalize. It is the key. Expect that the press release is published the next day. Once received your note and have decided to publish it, possibly to take a few days (sometimes weeks) to publish it. Recalls that as well as you, they have a tight agenda and they have already done your planning. Be a heavy, calling and writing constantly to ask if they have received, they have released or have any questions about your press release. If you have sent it to the right person, he has probably received it. If you have doubts or questions, you will be in contact with you. No return call telephone or an e-mail of a means of communication, or do it with delay. Be discouraged if not published our press release. Review the steps that we have commented and starts over again. Once the press release has been edited, forget to send a thank-you note. Do not keep your database up-to-date and send a new press release to anyone kind enough journalist but who no longer works there! Send a note of press with errors of spelling or typographical. Ten special care with the person’s name and means of communication to which you are going. A well drafted, published in the appropriate means of communication, press release is free advertising quality (and quantity) original author and source of the article.