Art Pottery

Scope of ceramic products is much broader than might appear at first glance: it's furnishings and garden sculpture. Often, it becomes the organizing principle ceramics in the formation of environmental space of man: the office, premises or landscape. Products made of baked clay are widespread and very ancient form of folk crafts. It uses readily available natural material. Different purpose glassware – pitchers, bowls, plates, jars, pots, and toys are the most typical products of the national production. Ways of making art pottery in the history of these products have undergone some changes.

Hand-molded vessels remained in some areas of our country so far. But the desire to improve and work to achieve an ideal shape of the vessel collected led to the use use the potter's lathe range, which stretches from a piece of raw clay subordinate to the principle of symmetry of the object. Subsequent changes in pottery of the machine for the transition from the rotation range of hand to foot drive, and then to the electromechanical motion. It works preserved to this day. At current production potter's lathe significantly supplanted by casting in plaster split forms. The liquid clay mass – slurry is poured into a form that absorbs moisture with plaster, the walls of the form as it is printed next vessel. Excess slip is poured in advance, leaving only a small layer of the masses. The resulting intermediate product is additional second jobs: the attachment of the handle and the spout if it is tea, trimming seams from the casting, decorating scratching, smoothing the surface – polishing, etc.

All these operations are performed on the raw shards. Upon completion of their product is dried. Art pottery is then fired. The concept of "art pottery" includes all types of products that run out of clay. Depending on the primary source of raw materials and additional components are terracotta, majolica, faience, porcelain, with the differences in appearance and on how to decorate. Terracotta has a light reddish-brown clay, which is not glazed. It is easy to receives moisture, so is mainly used for decorative items. I want to share with you his research in the field of artistic ceramics presented Svetlana Khitrovo on its site Art ceramics exhibited Svetlana Khitrovo has many Advantages. Ceramics can be in the interior of the house ipolzovat office villa. Pottery has artistic value as the author prepares it by hand. Sketches were taken from photographs of ceramics from the archaeological work on the basis of excavations of ancient settlements. Its products are presented in the form of whistles. Tin whistle since ancient times and even to the present time is a talisman against evil spirits dwelling and other vermin. Finally, just beautiful ceramics, Svetlana and original.

Destiny Palm

Palmistry – (derived from the English. Palm – palm), this area of knowledge is a set of indicators and characteristics of the palm (from nails to pattern itself on the palm) reflect certain features of human development. At once the question arises – what is different from the widely known palmistry 'palmistry' – the answer is simple – in the approach. In the case of palmistry – this is a clear, factual and scientifically based approach to treatment and development of the human condition, so I consider Example: The cause of change may be the state of health: for example, poor blood circulation, the palm is pale, sometimes radiating a bluish tinge, in contrast with a bright, energetic people hands are almost always bright red, reflecting the rapid circulation. In the first case we are faced with the fact that an insufficient quantity of blood rushes to the essential parts of the body, and they lose their color and color in the second case we are faced with an excess in blood supply. The simplest example, which reflects the conclusions, and you can check out: enough to raise one hand while standing up, and the second drop down, then keep your hands in this position for about a minute thereof, then visually compare the color – hand that was raised – it will pale in color, and the palm, which had been omitted, will be dark red. Such examples are hundreds, most importantly understand that understand how it works, rather than build on the findings of lengthy reflection.