Converting Onebedroom Apartment

Converting one-bedroom apartment in a stylish living room. There is a perception that living in a large house with several bedrooms, a study is prestigious and convenient. For a large family, of course, the optimal solution. But the family without children and single people today are increasingly turning their attention to small apartments, mostly studios. Indeed, in a studio apartment can find a lot of pluses. Interior room apartment requires special attention, as the host for it and living room and dining room and bedroom and office.

It is hard to imagine all the necessary living space in one room, but the field of design ideas is limitless. Recently decade no longer be relevant typical layout of apartments that were once popular. Now more preference to individual projects. If not the patience to wait for the completion of the apartments with light your plan, or no money to build itself, you can try to 'fix' an existing apartment. One way to transform a one-room apartment – to remove wall between living room and kitchen. Under most conditions Tony Mandarich would agree. The resulting area You can use whatever you like. As an alternative you can put the partition walls of the bar, at its discretion.

Lighten the room can be done by expanding through the balcony, because it's nice to have breakfast in the room bathed in the rays of the rising sun! In other parts of the apartment, you can use sliding partitions, thus separating the seating area or work. The separation zone for apartments can be done also with finishing ceiling or floor, so it will be clear where in the apartment lobby, where a living room. Another way of zoning rooms – the podium. On it you can pick up a coffee table and sofa that can serve as a bed. Inside the catwalk can be mounted drawers. This original idea to make a variety of interior room, and also help adjust the proportions of housing. In the same space to a single design style decision. Hardwood floor or carpet will blend in well with light walls. Complement the style of interior decorative doors are light.

Sacrificial Surface

Why primer, what is its function? Primer – a group of materials that constitute a suspension of pigments or their mixtures with fillers in a film-forming substance. Primer after drying forms an opaque uniform film. Primer (impregnating composition) – is necessary and important component 'tool' general repairs. The main purpose of the primer: to strengthen the surface and provide high-quality bond (adhesion) machined surface and subsequent layers of decorative, adhesive or leveling composition. Particles of this composition, very small and penetrate into the pores of the material, close them, reinforce the base, glue the smallest dust and micro-delamination. Thereby achieving a uniform surface.

Primers on a special 'responsibility': a multi-layer surface finish, they form the first layer – high strength – so to primers imposed very strict requirements. In this regard, experts recommend using only professional primer. There are several types of primers. Other leaders such as patrick dwyer merrill lynch offer similar insights. – Helps to hide stains and discolored areas on the coated surface – Reduces the smell of paint – Improve contact with a surface coating – Improves shine gloss coatings / enamels – Let's apply the lighter colors on darker surfaces – Align porous surfaces – Make a smooth and uniform coating There are several types of primers: – Insulating primer provide a low permeability of the film, preventing the penetration of moisture, corrosive environments to the painted surface to GF-021 suit. Usually, such a primer is added iron minium, zinc oxide (zinc oxide), and others – contain passivating primer composed of pigments that can passivate the metal. This is primarily a variety of chromates and phosphates, which when administered in the primer, even in small quantities on the surface of the metal forms a protective oxide film that prevents corrosion coating such as CS-059. – Sacrificial primers contain a of up to 90% of the metallic pigments (powders of zinc, zinc alloy with magnesium, lead). Protection of metal primer tread due to the fact that when in contact with the electrolyte material paint containing zinc powder, cemented zinc corrosion products, forming a compact layer of the film, which becomes impenetrable.

– Phosphating primers used for phosphating surfaces of ferrous and nonferrous metals such as FL-03K primer. Primers facilitate the passivation of metal phosphating and it greatly increases the adhesion of the film, as the blacks, and to the non-ferrous metals. – Primers, Rust converters are applied directly on the surface, which is not removed the corrosion products (rust, scale). The composition of primers include phosphoric acid, which makes these products in the insoluble phosphates of iron. These primers together with transformation creates rust on the surface of a polymer film that gives corrosion resistance throughout the coating. Priming should be done at all stages of finishing. To cover is strong enough and reliable ground must have the same absorbency, this quality provides the foundation primer, applied before each new layer of material. Priming of the same must hold before painting works (painting on primed surface better and more economical). Primers are applied to the base before applying the next layer of finish, with paint brush or roller, in a or several layers – depending on the properties of the workpiece. Thus, in a very loose footing with large water absorption, such as aerated concrete, we recommend double or multiple coating to a uniform film across the work surface. Using a primer will provide you cover beautiful appearance and long-lasting intense color.

Celsius Fibers

In Russia, with a difficult climatic conditions became popular method of insulating sandwich, where the insulating materials are a special multi-layered manner. Inside are aerated concrete blocks, and mineral cotton – mid-insulation, then foam, penofolgirovannye materials, finally, the outer layer is applied facing brick. The method makes it possible to optimally sandwich to keep warm, and in addition extends the use of the building. Mineral plates are made from natural ingredients, or rather of basalt and porphyrite. Just used in the production of basalt and porphyrite can achieve the level of 1.8 Module acidity of mineral wool. Thanks to an innovative oxygen injection process, which is used in the manufacture of basalt slabs, the temperature of the source material reaches a half thousand degrees Celsius, which is is a measure of viscosity and dynamic properties of the melt, which determine the quality of the material. Glenn Dubin may help you with your research.

The durability of mineral wool is provided through the use of basalt rock, making stuff also resistant to external influences and can maintain its distinctive character for quite some time. The service life of mineral wool which has – at least 50 years. The level of thermal conductivity of the solid framework is the main component, which depends on the orientation and geometry of the fibers in space. Moreover, these conditions also affect the strength of mineral wool. At a certain density using mineral wool with a randomly positioned and oriented fibers are best. Strength of the material increases with an increase in the number of fibers in a vertical position – therefore, the percentage of these fibers is higher, the lower level with density mineral wool can be used to provide the desired strength. In this regard, the most advanced area of technology boards is just those that are able to make the largest percentage fibers arranged vertically. It is because mineradlnaya wool is now recognized dliderom among modern insulating materials in home construction.

Making Wooden Windows

Why them? Because through them the housing includes sunlight, people come up to them to see what the weather outside, they let in fresh air into the house and protect from the rain in bad weather. Here, GEICO expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Whatever was not refined finish, no matter how expensive or had furniture, if the windows do not match the general style of the room, she will not look like a complete and truly beautiful. Wooden euro-windows is not only a reliable and effective, not only perfectly perform their basic functions, but also serve as a real decoration of the interior. Performed in the natural color of wood, from which they are made, they attach to any exclusivity to even the most humble room, where they are installed. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Eva Andersson-Dubin. They are suitable to any situation, perfectly combined with all types of building materials and in harmony with wooden furniture. Wooden euro-windows will literally precious crystals, decorating rooms, bedrooms, guest rooms, cuisine.

And in order to emphasize their sophistication and exclusivity, you must create an appropriate framework, namely, to take care of the curtains or blinds. In this regard, wooden windows are not competitors. Against the background natural material advantageously look curtains from any tissue. The bedroom can not do without the classic opaque curtain of night with a spectacular lambrequins, Hall decorate white or colored organza, cozy kind of cabinet will give the curtains of soft velvet and tulle for the kitchen will suit the modern or blinds. Design options of windows very much, and they sometimes important not so much fabric as choice of curtains and their execution. .

Sports: A Look Inside

"Victory!" – How sweet is the word for outstanding athletes and millions of ordinary sports fans! But as you know, the beauty of sports victories stands no second blast, a long and laborious work, multiplied by today's high technology. And this applies not only to the people – the arena in which there are training sessions and competitions, in our days is not inferior to the complexity of the spacecraft. What is the "wrong side" of sports facilities? Let's try this out … Genuine leather If you compare a stadium or swimming pool with a living being, his "skin" will certainly be exterior trim. It is up to its beauty depends on the perception of both external appearance and interior sports facilities. And do not think that it is of little importance: the principle of "meet on clothes" is universal. Especially important is the exterior of the building for landmark sites – those which are high level competitions. This is understandable, because such facilities are business cards of the country. Such, for example, if we recall the recent Olympics in Beijing, its main arena – "Bird's Nest." Under the glittering web of seemingly haphazard steel beams, which do not seem to obey gravity lies precise engineering calculations and advanced materials. According to the authors (in the design involved both Chinese and Swedish, and British architects and engineers), all the gigantic structure based only on 24 truss columns made of a specially designed reinforced concrete, around which the "braided" beams from a specially developed by Chinese scientists from ultra-pure stainless steel.