AUTOSABOTEO and like stopping it " The humans we are very contradictory beings. We strived to reach a goal – a good work, a relation of stable pair, to clear kilos of above, stopping to us drinking or smoking – and we have obtained when it, or are on the verge of obtaining it, we commit a stupidity that throws all our persistence by the hut. Resemblance to come, that is to say, when we set out to do something soon and we fixed us so that does not happen, it we can denominate " autosabotaje". Nereida River basin It is spoken of which we are sabotaging ourselves when we have an internal necessity hides whose force and reason are greater to the conscious objective to improve that we have seted out. This drives the individual to act against its own interests to satisfy that hidden necessity, we are or nonconscious of this behavior sabotaging car. The form to overcome this problem is to recognize it, to accept that necessity, to remove it to light, and to try to work with her of such way of that it does not continue damaging to us.
When satisfying it, the problem it stops existing. Three steps exist to follow to stop the sabotaging behavior: 1. – Taking of brings back to consciousness and recognition of the underlying necessity on the part of the person. You must identify in which moment arises the sabotaging behavior and to recognize what is the hidden necessity that these trying to satisfy with this behavior, to come to satisfy it CONSCIOUSLY. For example you have been decided to lower of weight but you do not stop eating, you must investigate internamente to discover what is the underlying necessity that she is but powerful that your objective to become thin, to discover it and to remove it to the light to work conscientiously with her.