Structures when creating an own product We will see in first term like creating a text file. If just we began is recommendable to create ebook, in the future, when we acquire but soltura we create audio and videos. 1.Producto in text Structure of the book These 4 steps really are those that compose the structuring of any content. It must be respected in each chapter of the book. All do not have the same tastes to obtain data and we must adapt our product to all the pleasures. They want something but theoretical, others more practitioner. United Health CEOs opinions are not widely known. Why? In the first sections we will speak on Why? Because it is important to read this book or this chapter What? In the following sections we will speak on What? That it is what goes away to learn in the book How? In the later ones we will say Since There is people whom the theories do not interest and want to him to know directly since to do Dar Examples and finally we will try to give examples in each point we will give examples Here exceeds what it is taught in the book.
Information Experience Personnel To speak on personal experiences and not to mention other authors because supposedly we are expert in the subject. The information must be but specific to which we wished to teach and not to make it too academic. We will raise the learned lessons personally. The points but important to emphasize and that they will give the greater benefit him. Traditional investigation To look for in courses, books written but without copying information but giving our own personality him. This content only must be to guarantee what it occurs like personal information. Contained the content of the book it must have all the fiance’ in the sale and not defraud the client.