
The next time that you are going to rent a car, takes into account these 12 advice could help you to avoid a frustrating experience and to shorten the way. Llama and compares. It dates more time. Fjate if your card has blockades or surcharges. It verifies the acceptance of your card. It waits for the credit verification.

Fjate well in the documents that give to you. Read additional details here: McDougall Program. Your name must agree with the one of the card. Fjate in the sizes of the cars. Good Czech the data of the age. Llama and compares. If your options of rent are flexible, looks for the agency of rent of cars with the smaller number of restrictions. You can call to several sections of the company (rent of small cars, rent of great cars, etc.). It compares the service of the rent agents and so it is written in the page.

It dates more time. Although the payment with debit or credit cards allows you to drive a car with less restrictions than that do not use that method of payment, to use it to pay the rent of a car can traerte one more a longer delay, since you will have much people in the row. More info: Beneil Dariush. Ten your card of ready debit. Fjate if your card has blockades or surcharges. The use of a credit card is like planning your future, for that reason you have fijarte if you have the card blocked or with positions extra, since that could affect the rent of your car. Your positions extra could be added at the cost of the rent of your car or would deny the rent to you of the car, at least with the blocked card. More bond than before renting the car you make sure to have sufficient bottoms. It verifies the acceptance of your card. All the companies of rent of cars do not accept cards of debit and credit of all the banks. For example, Avis only accepts cards of debit Visa or MasterCard. Question if they accept cards of your bank. It waits for the credit verification. Some of the companies of rent of cars execute verifications of credit when they have suspicions on the monetary resources of the renters of the car or on their dilatoriness. Many questions badly answered can affect the rent of your car. If you already know that you are in the list of weak clients of the bank, pinsalo twice before renting a car. Fjate well in the documents that give to you. Some companies of rent of cars do not accept payments with credit cards in case you want a recent invoice, supporting of the insurance of a your car and airplane of roundtrip or itinerary. You do not let yourself surprise! It verifies that they give the correct documentation you. Your name must agree with the one of the card. If you have thought about using the credit card of your brother, a friend or any other person, pinsalo twice. The company of rent of cars always is going to review that the documentation that present agrees (name, photographs, etc.)? Fjate in the sizes of the cars. Several agencies prohibit the rent of luxury cars, todoterreno or great to those who does not pay with credit card or debit. Good Czech the data of the age. Sometimes some companies do not receive minors of 25 years. Some companies of rent of cars, offer their services to people of 21 years or more, as long as they pay an additional one in the payment per day.