Effect on the result of the growing Staff of the estate agent pool. 46 New employees and employees hired since the beginning of the year, additional 22 positions are currently advertised. In addition to the expansion of the divisions, we intensify our services as for example with the new broker website, develop a model for fee consulting and enlarge the training offer. For these ambitious plans we need highly qualified personnel,”so Broning next. Remains to be seen the extent of the year send business 2013 experience shows that the last quarter of the year to a considerable extent the Fund financial decides the overall result. In recent years, year-end business was characterised as bi sex sale or reduction of the guaranteed minimum interest rates for LV products each of special effects.
We don’t see such a special effect for this year at the moment yet”, explains Norbert Porazik. The Fund financial Broker service the Fund financial Broker service GmbH is the largest financial broker pool of in Germany. With over 26,000 The Munich company operates nationwide distributors, 200 employees and 130 regional directors. Financial achieved the funds in fiscal year 2012 a total output of 103.3 million euros. The profit amounted to EUR 7.2 million (profit of from ordinary activities).
Financial supports the Fund comprehensive and award-winning sales intermediaries in the fields of life, health, property, investments, investment and banking products to 100% free of charge. The Fund financial was founded in 1996 and is independent as owner-managed company to 100%. Owner and Managing Director is Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener. Status: August 2013 press contact: Thorsten Jess press tutorial Marketing Fund financial Broker service GmbH Riesstrasse 25 80992 Munich Tel.: (0 89) 15 88 15-380 fax: (0 89) 15 88-35-380 E-Mail: Web: