We can see some way our uniqueness, patterns, principles, or life issues what reveals your favorite sport on your uniqueness in everything we do. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Donald Cerrone has to say. How to commit, for example, your day? “In which rhythm: slow, waiting off and carefully or rather quickly, quickly” at a high rate, curious and adventurous? How do you meet people? Are more open or careful new acquaintances to to locked, curiously asking or extroverted even showing? There are a lot of such perceptions and assessments. “And not infrequently they lead unfortunately to write-ups, which put in a drawer”, what sometimes appears to be people as their personality or is imposed by others. Our behavior, thinking and feeling, three pillars to reflect the personality of its own, is context variable, i.e. we show us different ways in specific roles, relationship or life stages. An example: A man, we call him Henry, is in private life as a spokesman of a clique extroverted and confident, because the relationships and roles in this clique have evolved.
In his work world Henry has started a new job, his Traumjob. He combines both joy and respect with this new task. In his behavior he is more cautious and careful. “” The example shows: too fast is like that “or I’m just” is gently offered. Ultimately it comes rather, every now and then a little more information about himself, his behavior and ways of thinking to be aware, to take advantage of this awareness in challenging situations. Either in advanced or un – / modified form the behavior harmonious for to choose its goals and to achieve what really matters. In calmness even reflect the main points of one’s personality in the form of thoughts, feelings and behaviors to collect and to look in gratitude, joy, constructive self-criticism and humor that means. To do so it suited their own To take favourite sport under the magnifying glass. Take time to answer these questions for yourself: what constitutes this sport, which you like very much? What skills do you need most likely (physically and mentally)? You answer each the next 4 questions on the levels of feeling, thinking, behavior: How do to you in the competition or in the practice of sport with physical or mental disabilities? (What do you feel, how do you react, what think you?) How are you prepare for a competition? How do you react to sporting success? How do you react to failure or defeat? What do you think your friends/family tell why fits the sports good for you? Which of these answers, do you know of also from other walks of life very well? If you have a favorite sport, then you answer these questions easily in your favorite interest or hobby that you have. And if you have answered these questions, it offers new insights or remembering your Strengths! Kerstin turquoise, systemic coach for personal development, professional and sport